The Awakening of Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

First discovered

Robert Simmons (hereinafter referred to as Simmons) is the author of well-known crystal books, including "Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation", "The Book of Stones", "Stones of the New Consciousness", "The alchemy of Stones"... and other books , the first discovery of Ascestelite and the subsequent discoveries of various types and a series of stories began with him.

According to the article "Azeztulite Awakening", Simmons mentioned that one day (I checked the record in the book, it was 1991), his friend Naisha (hereinafter referred to as Naisha) called and delivered some messages to him. At that time, Simmons and Nessa were not very familiar with each other. Nessa told Simmons that the message came from the angel soul group called "Azez". The soul group said that a new ore would come to him soon. In fact, it was "Azeztulite"; but it might have had other names in the human world at that time, and Nessa didn't know what the people who owned the ore called them.

PS. Nessa is the co-author with Simmons of "The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach"

As foretold by the pre-existing transmission, these stones miraculously arrived in Simmons' hands, sent to him by a stranger living in North Carolina. (If you are interested in how these stones came into Simmons' possession, you can read another excerpt I translated from his book: The Discovery of Azeztulite - Robert Simmons' First Encounter with Azeztulite. I really find it amazing and interesting, and I recommend everyone to read it.) These stones are incredibly powerful, with extremely high frequencies. At that time, Simmons associated them with Phenakite, which he believed was the most powerful stone on the earthly plane.

But it is obviously not silica beryllium. It looks like a chunky mineral with various chunky shapes and the most humble one - quartz. However, it can make Simmons goosebumps from head to toe and illuminate his face. The upper chakra was like a pinball machine, touching his heart tenderly at the same time, making him cry; no other quartz crystal had ever had such a strong impact on him before; "Azez" told He and they programmed the Acestelite to carry the frequency of the nameless light. This seemed to be true. At least at the time, nothing Simons knew seemed to be able to explain this situation.

Summon and activate

Azeztulite is meant to change us and change the world, but only when we declare this destiny to be effective for us and choose to accept the gift of Azeztulite will we receive such help.

In the past two decades, Simmons has witnessed many people around him feeling curious, amazed, tearful, enlightened, goosebumps, and joyful about Azeztulite, making Simmons completely convinced that Nasha's story was true. These unseen benevolent beings, the Azez, serve the nameless light of the Great Central Sun, awakening a particularly receptive type of quartz and placing it in specific locations on Earth. As Nasha said, the light streams carried by these stones can help us awaken, heal, and dissolve all old patterns of fear, disease, destruction, and death. They carry the spiritual patterns of rebirth and help us retain the desire for divine light within the cycles of Earth. This understanding took Simmons many years to comprehend clearly.

Simmons and Nasha believe that all of this is not fate, but destiny. The former implies unavoidable predestination, while destiny is something individuals choose to fulfill. What Azeztulite offers is to change us and the world, but we will only receive this help if we declare that this destiny is effective for us and choose to accept the gift of Azeztulite. At the same time, Simmons and Nasha were also told that we must give our gifts as well. If enough people connect with Azeztulite, we can awaken more Azeztulite.

In the messages received by Nasha, it is mentioned that Azez stationed themselves at several etheric energy points on Earth, and over time, more Azeztulite stones would be activated and subsequently discovered. Simmons invites us to consider that this view is entirely different from the traditional belief that stones simply remain in one place and always emit the same energy; Azeztulite seems unique, a gift deliberately bestowed by higher angelic beings, possibly from the light itself. Chemically, it is quartz, but more specifically, not all quartz is Azeztulite. But will it always be this way?

More varieties appear

Simmons believes that it may not always be the case! As predicted by Azez many years ago, more Azeztulite stones have been discovered. (Simmons has always identified new types of Azeztulite by testing the energy flow; their current state indicates that they are indeed Azeztulite). Since the discovery of the original Azeztulite in North Carolina, Vermont Azeztulite was then found, followed by Satyaloka Azeztulite in South India. These discoveries have accelerated over the years; in 2008, Simmons discovered a new type of Azeztulite in North Carolina called "Sanda Rosa Azeztulite," which, in addition to quartz, contains spessartine garnet and green mica. Simmons found it to be highly effective for his physical healing.

In the fall of 2008, Rhodazez (Pink Azeztulite) was discovered in the Rocky Mountains. This is also a hybrid mineral containing quartz and pink dolomite. In addition to accurately carrying the energy flow of Azeztulite, it perfectly harmonizes with Azeztulite through the pink dolomite, allowing it to soothe and rejuvenate the emotional body. In the winter of 2008, true prismatic Azeztulite was brought forth, also from the mountains of North Carolina. As most of them appeared to be the color of citrine and emitted golden-white spiritual light, Simmons and his team named them Golden Azeztulite.

The rich energy of Azeztulite and its rapid expansion into new varieties at that time amazed Simmons and his team. In the early months of 2009, a friend brought them another new mineral, a very bright yellow quartz from the lands bordering the Himalayas. They tested it through meditation, and it revealed its own energy as a newly activated Azeztulite, helping to create manifestation and the unfolding of will. Thus, they named it Himalaya Gold Azeztulite. In 2010, from the same location in India, two new varieties were also produced: Himalaya Red Azeztulite and Himalaya Red-Gold Azeztulite.

Light process

If the 26% of the quartz that makes up the Earth's crust starts vibrating with the frequency and intensity of Azeztulite, we will live on a completely different Earth, a planet filled with light.

Simmons believes that we are witnessing the progress of Azez and the light they serve. These beings mentioned that they serve the light and came to Earth as helpers to prepare it for the next great spiritual evolution. Nasha and Simmons shared that in their last communication with Azez, it was mentioned that their ultimate goal is to have all quartz on Earth carry the energy of Azeztulite. Simmons thinks this is important, so he must keep repeating it. Those who can feel the energy flow of Azeztulite and also feel its reaction in their soul and body can immediately imagine what this means. If the 26% of the quartz that makes up the Earth's crust starts vibrating with the frequency and intensity of Azeztulite, we will live on a completely different Earth, a planet filled with light, and we will change in sync with the Earth, entering our true essence - beings of light.

Whenever Simmons thinks about this, about the gradual unfolding of this agenda (which is actually happening rapidly), and the discovery of more new varieties of Azeztulite, he feels a great sense of awe. This is incredibly vast, difficult to comprehend, and hard to fully grasp its enormity. However, he is deeply moved, just like others, and is willing to do his best to help make all of this a reality.

So, Simmons also invites those who are moved by this vision to join and assist in this process. How can we do this? By working with Azeztulite, we can open the light of the Great Central Sun within us. This is the seed of the Great Central Sun that has always existed in our hearts, allowing our fearful tendencies to dissolve, and enabling us to trust in the light, our hearts, and the unknown. Simmons suggests meditating with various types of Azeztulite, sleeping with them, or wearing them. He also likes and encourages people to give Azeztulite to others and to plant them in the earth, put them into the ocean, rivers, and cities, in open spaces and houses, or anywhere your heart guides you.

In 2007, Simmons planted several Azeztulite stones in Stonehenge in the UK, inviting the stone circle to awaken and become Azeztulite. He enjoys doing this, leaving some Azeztulite in places guided by inspiration. He mentions that even if you can't do the same, he still encourages you to invite all the places you walk through, all the streets, buildings you pass by, highways, beaches, tombstones, gravel, and the deep quartz beneath the soil to awaken and carry the energy flow of Azeztulite. Our invitation is a way of inviting the sacred nameless light to fully enter the Earth and weave this light into our entire existence. Since it is based on love, this light will never impose itself on us, just like love, it will only enter us when invited.

The companion of Azeztulite

In the two years when Simmons was writing this article, he learned that Azeztulite had another companion called Rosophia. He wrote about the discovery of this astonishing Rosophia in MetaGuide Magazines in 2010. He likes to imagine Azeztulite as the divine light from the spiritual reality descending to Earth, while Rosophia is like the divine feminine spirit—the soul of the world—deeply present in the material world. When the light from heaven and the love from Earth meet and merge, our hearts become the place where this power is manifested. We become a living conduit for this, if we choose. Thus, when they meet within us, the joy they bring will become ours.

Therefore, when we invite, this joy/love/light will pour from our hearts into the cells of our entire body, making our bodies temples of light and love. Or, as Simmons has always envisioned it. He sincerely invites everyone who resonates with these stones, words, or the energy behind the words to try this for themselves. If it is true for you, your heart will know. We strive to create our discoveries as much as we strive to discover what we create. This is why Simmons named it "The Awakening of Azeztulite." Let's create together!

The above is an article translated by Lydia from Simmons' official website. Subsequently, Simmons has discovered some new types of Azeztulite, although they are not written in this article. However, you can see many new types of Azeztulite in the products he sells and in his books. His books provide detailed introductions to these new varieties. Those interested can purchase the books to learn more (in English). Of course, when I have time to read, I will also translate some of the content that interests me to share with everyone. :)

Source: Article "Azeztulite Awakening from Robert Simmons"
Translator: Lydia

Photo Credit: To be replenished

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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/ All articles are written by this website or translated from books. If you want to reprint or quote, please indicate the source. Thank you /

Picture of Lydia


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