Live as fully
conscious being

When you feel happy, the entire world looks brighter.

MooSpace Services

Our Service

Space Healing

Essential Oil Remedies

Crystals And Stones

One Step Ahead

Take an inner journey

If you want to press the pause button in real life, slow down, and get along with yourself, you are welcome to come to this space

We provide a comfortable space with convenient transportation but a secluded environment, giving you the opportunity to turn your inherent focus and discover more aspects of yourself after being busy.

three steps to healing

Space Healing

Both the tangible and intangible aspects of the space provide good vibrational frequencies. When you walk into this space, the healing energy has already begun to operate. We will provide appropriate healing through the interview process with you.


Make a reservation in advance

Please make an appointment for the service you need at least three days in advance so that we can prepare it for you.


Preparation before visiting

Before entering a secluded and healing session, you need to be fully prepared. Especially the day before and on the day of your visit, please take special care of your condition.


Show up

Your appearance is the most important link, it means that you are willing to take full responsibility for yourself, and it also symbolizes your intention to connect with yourself.

consultation service

The energy field of crystals has been set up in the space, as well as the energy vortex field of grid lines. As long as you come here, according to your personal wishes and intentions, this space will provide you with a service that belongs to you. We provide individual consultation. The service is free for the first time. The purpose is to let each other get to know each other and to let you feel whether this space and our characteristics resonate with you.

secluded place

The secluded space of about four square meters uses the layout of various elemental energies and geometric figures to allow stable energy to flow in the space.

Secluded place

The energy of a space is closely related to its location, surrounding environment and internal furnishings. More importantly, it is also related to the inherent quality of the space owner.

Inner Space

What is truly sacred is our inner space. Placing a small altar in our living environment can help us create an atmosphere corresponding to our inner space and lead us into the inner sacred space.

inner palace

Arranged with geometric figures with symbolic meaning, let the hidden message resonate with your inner self. When you sit here, I hope you can connect with your origin in this way.

Notify in advance

Read before visiting


The space here provides you with an opportunity to re-examine your journey. We invite you to look into your heart sincerely and discover those inner whispers that have always wanted to talk to you. Only in quiet times, you will understand them.


If you want, for a little while we can talk about this visit, the experience you had, whether you felt it or not, you have received your gift.

Return to your true self

The soul comes to the world in order to experience a greater self and experience its own essence. Through life, we become various characters and perform various stories, all in order to experience ourselves, recognize ourselves, and become our natural selves.

What Do You Think About Life

Some things are actually very simple

Why did we come to earth?

Use five questions to quickly understand how everything happens

We have lots of experience

Case Studies