What should I understand before entering the crystal field for the first time?

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.
This article is placed at the top because I hope to share with friends who come here, our experience in the process of exploring crystals, so that you can have more opportunities to interact with crystals in depth. It is a perspective, but I think there is no limit. Welcome You can read this short article before deciding to interact with crystals.

The beginning of exploration

What are crystals to you? This is a question they asked me, and it is also a question I invite you to think about, because we understand what they are and bring about that kind of experience accordingly.

When I first entered the field of crystal, I read a lot of well-known foreign crystal books, written by different authors from different countries. Later, I bought more crystals and got in touch with them more. I started going to the chat areas of several brothers and sisters who sell minerals every day to listen to them talk about the recent developments. There are still some changes and situations in the market. Of course, most of them regard crystals as general mineral commodities, including the focus of appreciation or the focus of production area information and prices. In my own connection with crystals, there is another way. A different perspective, the energy realm of the crystal.

I found that in the crystal market, there are mostly these two types of people. One is to look at the value of crystals based on the supply and demand and transparency of the crystal type characteristics, appearance, inclusions, reputation, etc., of course they will do the same. To state the energy and functions of different crystals, but most of them will share with you what is written in books or checked online. The other type is people in the spiritual circle who will find some that have healing functions recorded in well-known books. Regarding the types of crystals, I believe they also believe in the crystal functions stated in the books, but each crystal is actually a unique being. They will simultaneously vibrate the characteristics of their own species, but they will also vibrate their own unique individual characteristics. Partly, you could say it's singing two songs at the same time, and that's something we can explore for individual crystals.

Crystal, is it just what it says in the book?

What follows is a highlight of my own exploration and connection with crystals.

There are many powerful crystals that are not necessarily embodied in the well-known energy crystal varieties.Sometimes they may appear in crystals that are not of any type, or even look bad., when you can fully open your senses to interact with them, you will actually feel the difference.

In the process of my exploration of crystals, I once had a lot of doubts. I tried to understand that they are just like this. For example, Master Crystals, are they just like what is written in the book? Lemurian crystal, why is it from Lemuria? Who said that? Are those ordinary crystals that are not given special names ordinary? Isn't it relatively inferior in terms of energy? I like to ask questions and reflect,When you are willing to ask questions and reflect, your belief system opens a way for truth to flow in., without being blocked by existing beliefs and cognitions.

When I asked these questions, there were many simultaneous answers to me, including the fact that I saw two crystals in the crystal videos that I often received from miners that made me suddenly feel moved and wanted to cry. It's not a special kind of mineral, and their appearance is just average. But when they came to me, they told me on the first night where they came from, how they came, and what their relationship was with me. There was nothing about the Master Crystal in their appearance. The characteristics are not those of Lemurian crystals, but they come from Atlantis and have very powerful abilities.

A few days later, while reading a foreign niche crystal blog, I found a close friend. He was Genn. His questions and reflections on crystals were the same as mine, which made me feel that there was a close friend in the world. Man, he mentioned that in fact, most crystals have the energy connecting Lemuria and Atlantis, and at the same time, many crystals are a portal connected to the frequency of that civilization. This is similar to the message I received.

Crystal is not just an ore

connected portal

When I used master crystals, I discovered that every geometric aspect was a portal. When I used ordinary crystals without any great names, I discovered their external growth patterns and internal structures, as well as the flashing refraction of light. There are portals that can penetrate into crystals, but at that time I didn’t find out where the realm is after entering the portal?

We always think that those crystals with small triangles, known as record-keeper crystals, store the wisdom and information of civilizations inside them like a hard drive. However, when I started asking questions, I saw Genn's articles and also received some inspiration of my own. This inspiration told me that connecting to the frequency of civilizations through the crystal portals is a dynamic process. Using crystals is not a fixed path, and the way to pass through the portal may vary each time, as well as the frequency you connect to. It is not like retrieving fixed data from a hard drive. If you think that there is only one way to enter or predefine what you might receive, these thoughts will influence your connection and reception, possibly distorting it or even preventing it altogether. In short, connecting with crystals involves a process of relaxation, openness, and focus.

Liberate your experience

This message tells me that we actually know very little about the understanding and use of crystals now. This is all because we are too accustomed to following the statements in books or predecessors. There is nothing wrong with these books or statements. They are all people who use crystals. The experience and sharing of time, but it is only one perspective. Assuming that we have countless perspectives, then we are trapped in a certain perspective now, because we are too accustomed to looking up to a master and following other people’s experience, and forget that we ourselves have Our own unique paths and experiences. Sometimes in order to produce the same experience as others, we even refuse to believe that we have unique experiences. We will tell ourselves to try hard to obtain those crystal books or what the masters mentioned, but This is too masochistic.

Just like the purpose of souls coming here, we are here to experience ourselves, not to imitate others. As long as you remember that you can refer to other people's experiences, but do not ignore your own experience, and be open to accept various possibilities, then on this earth You will be less likely to get lost on the road and make friends with crystals. Let’s encourage each other: )

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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/ All articles are written by this website or translated from books. If you want to reprint or quote, please indicate the source. Thank you /

Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

Want to get these crystals?

We have collected a lot of crystals that call us and share them in the healing store. You are welcome to take a look at them when you have time.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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Want to get these crystals?

We have collected a lot of crystals that call us and share them in the healing store. You are welcome to take a look at them when you have time.