About our attached official U.S. certification card

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

By the end of 2023, we will have been introducing Azeztulite for three years, so we are quite familiar with the various ordering and receiving processes. This article explains what kind of certification card you will actually receive when placing an order with the official US site. I originally didn’t want to go into detail, but people often ask us questions based on information provided by vendors selling counterfeit goods. I hope everyone uses logical thinking to consider the information I provide below, which of course includes the information that may have been given to you by vendors selling counterfeit goods.

What certification card will you get when purchasing Asai?

-01. If you are buying raw ore, rolling stones or bracelets-

When you order raw Azeztulite stones, tumbled stones, or bracelets from the official U.S. source, you will receive two cards: one is an activation card for Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites, and the other is a certificate of the mineral type itself. Please note that this card uses general photos and descriptions, not individual photos of each stone for authentication (as shown in the picture below).

Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites raw ore or rolling stones purchased on this site did not come with the Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites activation card before 2023. Only the bracelet was attached, because sometimes the quantity sent from the United States is not accurate, so the raw ore is purchased Or rolling stones, usually we only attach the certification card of the ore. I actually don’t think these cards can prove anything, because I heard that a lot of fake goods are printed in the market. However, the ones that should be attached will still be attached. In addition, the quantity is now It is already more accurate, so starting from 2024, when you buy raw ore, rolling stones or bracelets on this site, two cards will be included.

-02. If you are buying the 2021 series limited edition bracelet-

For 2021 limited edition bracelets, you will also get two cards, one is the activation card of Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites, and the other is a certificate containing an introduction to the composition of the bracelet itself. Please note that this certificate hasRobert Simmons' autograph, it is signed on a single sheet using a ball pen or the like, not printed (as shown below).

-03.If you are buying a pendant-

If you purchase an Azeztulite pendant, no additional cards as mentioned above will be included. This is because the official U.S. source informed me that the back card of the pendant itself serves as its certification card. On the front of the back card, a gold sticker with the Azozeo Super-Activated label will be attached. In later printings, the Azozeo Super-Activated label is already printed on the front of the back card, so there will be no gold sticker. It should be noted that the official source often forgets to attach the gold sticker on the pendants that need it, but the U.S. official source states that all Azeztulite items they sell have undergone the Azozeo Super-Activated activation process. (The back card on the left in the image below is the version with the Azozeo Super-Activated label already printed, while the right side uses the sticker version.)

In addition to the above, if the front of the pendant's back card does not have the Azozeo Super-Activated label printed, a gold sticker will be attached instead. Bracelets have also had gold stickers with the Azozeo Super-Activated label, but the design differs. However, in the nearly hundred bracelets I have imported, I have only encountered one with a gold sticker. Therefore, as a rule, bracelets currently do not have the sticker. After all, bracelets come with an Azozeo activation card, so the lack of a sticker is reasonable. It should be noted that there are still many Azeztulite items we have not introduced, such as rings, more expensive pendant styles, 108-bead mala necklaces, crystal balls, or pyramids, etc. We do not know what cards or stickers will be included with these items. Once we have imported a sufficient quantity and can confirm what we receive, we will share this information with you.

What is a rainbow card?

For purchases made in the past three years, the American official has automatically sent English versions, which is very reasonable. We are not Japanese.

The rainbow card is an authentication card provided by the United States official for Japan in recent years. That is, the content is in Japanese, the card is larger, and the design is different. There are rainbow-colored designs around it, so it has this name. (As shown below, we compared it with the English version so that you can see the size difference)

I must say, over the past three years, with countless orders placed, the official U.S. source has never mistakenly sent us the Japanese rainbow card, except for one time. Therefore, I have a few rainbow cards in my possession. The cards sent by the official U.S. source have always been the only English version. For those vendors or sellers claiming that the certification card for Azeztulite has been updated to the new rainbow card and using the rainbow card as proof of authentic Azeztulite, I reasonably suspect that their source might be from the counterfeit market. It seems to be a consistent narrative from certain sources. Furthermore, the official U.S. source does not send rainbow cards to the Chinese market and has not announced any updates. Therefore, the English card remains the primary card used, except in the Japanese market.

I don’t want to crack down on counterfeiting, nor do I want to control the imitation market. Everything happens because of certain thoughts and needs, so there are such counterfeiters. However, to explain the above information, I just hope that if friends who come to this site to buy have any relevant doubts, please feel free to contact us directly. After reading this, I don’t want to give a single reply. In addition, we don’t want to switch to using Japanese cards. Students, we are a country where Chinese and English education are taught. If there is no Chinese version available, the reasonable choice is the English version.

Regarding the price difference of bracelets

Occasionally, people message me asking about the price differences of Azeztulite bracelets on other platforms like Shopee or Japanese eBay. I'll explain it all here uniformly, so I won't have to respond individually each time.

The counterfeit market is very prevalent in China; almost anything can be faked. If you have studied the crystal market, you would be very surprised. Additionally, mixing genuine and fake items is another way for them to reduce costs. For example, some beads in a bracelet may be real while others are fake. Specifically, for Azeztulite bracelets, especially Satyaloka Clear, any clear quartz can be used as a counterfeit. I remember a counterfeit mineral dealer I once knew telling me that the counterfeit market can even make them look clear. I didn't ask how they do it, but ice crack patterns and rainbows can also be artificially created. They also reprint certificates, but it is said that compared to the genuine certificates, theirs are still relatively rough.

People often ask if these sellers could be large distributors or if they are running rare large promotions. When you think this way, it actually means you hope that the much cheaper ones are genuine. You try to find many reasons to justify it, but I can't verify it for you, and I don't want to tell you whether it's real or not, because it doesn't concern me. Moreover, I know the lowest price that can be offered in the U.S., and those excessively low prices on the market are below this minimum price. If you think it's because they are distributors, you can also consider if iPhone distributors in various countries would sell at prices far below the official U.S. price. If they are distributors who can get goods at extremely low prices, doesn't it mean they are buying in bulk to get discounts? Then why do these sellers, who sell at very low prices, usually have a very limited range of products and mostly sell easily counterfeited items?

What is easiest to counterfeit are beads that are ground down, making it hard to recognize their features, especially in simple colors like black, white, transparent, yellow, and red. That's why a lot of cheap bracelets flood various platforms. Of course, they sometimes pair these with genuine items, such as pendants, but the prices are not as low and are aligned with the official prices. However, if their bracelets can sell for only 20% of the official price, why not the pendants? You can also ask them if they are willing to sell bracelets with Robert Simmons' autograph or provide purchase orders, because while certification cards can be faked, it’s less common for autographs to be counterfeited. Of course, it’s possible that someone might forge signatures very convincingly.

The above is what I know and my opinion. I can only guarantee that the goods I buy are genuine. I order them directly from official American companies. Please think and judge by yourself about the authenticity of other overseas platforms.

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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