Cinnazez Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

Cinnazez Azeztulite is a unique mineral composed of red cinnabar, white quartz, and black zinc compounds, found only in New Zealand. The quartz component is the common hardness 7 silicon dioxide mineral, while cinnabar is a mercury sulfide mineral with a hardness of about 2-2.5. The zinc compounds have not yet been definitively identified. Most Cinnazez mineral specimens have inclusions so thoroughly mixed that the soft cinnabar is not prominent. The mineral often contains small open cavities filled with tiny, glittering crystal clusters. The name Cinnazez Azeztulite is derived from the presence of the distinctive cinnabar and the stone's exhibition of Azeztulite energy characteristics (Cinnabar + Azeztulite).

Key Words:

# alchemical transformation # accelerated evolution # prosperity # longevity # immortality # enhanced super sense
Sensory Perception # Increases Synchronicity # Awakens Heart Wisdom # Harmonies with Original Light and Sound


All chakras, especially crown chakra, third eye chakra and heart chakra

Simmons' experience

"When I first held a pair of Cinnazez, I felt a powerful wave of healing and enlightenment spreading throughout my body, starting from my head and quickly moving through my torso, finally rushing down to my feet. The speed at which these stones conduct energy is astonishing, and the feeling is unexpectedly delightful, as if my cells are receiving a powerful wave of vitality, love, and wisdom, simultaneously providing a comforting and enlightening experience. I found that as long as I held the stones, I didn't want to put them down, and even when I was willing to set them aside, I would pick them up again within minutes. The attraction of these stones is evident, and I felt it was because there is something in the energy flow of Cinnazez that meets our profound evolutionary needs."

"I requested the beings of Cinnazez to tell me about their essence and characteristics. Here are some of the insights I received: 'We are accelerators of consciousness and awakeners of higher awareness. We can stimulate your nervous system to realize its potential, including clairvoyance, telepathic communication, harmonic resonance with higher realms, and direct knowledge of divine truth. We bring wisdom and stimulate spiritual enlightenment. We are the solidified essence of the Philosopher's Stone. We help the body become a conduit for the central sun's divine fire. Like other Azeztulites, we are filled with light, but our action is faster, bringing light through you into this world. We are teachers of the body and can awaken the complete self-awareness of the body and mind. Meditating with us in tranquility allows us to penetrate and activate every cell. We are alchemical transformers, turning the heavy unconsciousness of the old world into the golden truth of the world to come. We are the first of all new stones of the Earth's golden age at dawn. Those who cooperate with us will receive our blessings and can become givers of blessings.'"

Alchemy Philosopher's Stone

Those who have read about alchemy will know that the legendary Philosopher's Stone, believed to indefinitely extend life and transform lead into gold, is said to manifest in three stages. The initial dark stage (nigredo) symbolizes unawakened matter, akin to most dormant rocks on Earth, which are spiritually asleep. The second or white stage (albedo) represents a state of spiritually awakened matter, able to resonate with spiritual light and awaken the alchemist to his or her higher path. Simmons has long believed that the initial white Azeztulite represents this aspect of the Philosopher's Stone. The third stage, the final development of the Philosopher's Stone, is the red stage (rubedo). In this stage, the stone fully manifests all its powers, believed to grant the alchemist abilities related to longevity, the power to heal others, and the ability to transform substances from one state to another.

The similarity between the description of the Philosopher's Stone's red stage and the characteristics of Cinnazez is remarkable. Another insight from Simmons comes from a dream: "This happened one night after I had meditated with two Cinnazez; in the dream scene, my wife and I were in Italy, exploring a lovely little town. At one point, I lost sight of my wife, and then a woman approached me and started speaking rapidly in Italian. When she realized I couldn't understand her, she switched to English. She said I really needed to attend the theater performance that night—it was a play adapted from the story of Mercury. She told me I should take note and remember the messages in the performance. When I woke up, I realized that 'Mercury' referred both to the mercury element in the cinnabar component of Cinnazez and to the mythological being 'Mercury' (known as Hermes to the Greeks), who is considered the father of alchemy."

Evolutionary accelerator

Simmons began meditating more with Cinnazez Azeztulite and kept recording the messages and insights as instructed.

Cinnazez Azeztulite is an accelerator of evolutionary growth; it stimulates the brain and central nervous system, increasing our capacity for receiving knowledge in inner realities. It helps those who wish to access the Akashic records or discover issues or answers in any field. Cinnazez stimulates one's vibrational field, making us better conductors of various positive energies. It enhances our ability to form and maintain inner visions, often during which spiritual downloads of divine knowledge occur. It helps us attract new knowledge and insights, like a metal rod attracting lightning.

Cinnazez stimulates the intelligence of the heart and strengthens neural networks through the communication between the mind and the heart. It can enhance our ability to hear the voice of the heart and recognize and follow inner wisdom. As it awakens the intelligence of the heart to a greater degree of conscious awareness, it opens channels for communication with angels or interdimensional beings. For those seeking to understand the inner workings of the universe, it is an ally.

Enhancement of spiritual channels

Cinnazez is a powerful inner alchemical stone, and their vibrating waves can be seen as resonant waves that harmoniously align all cells. They stimulate the inner experience of primal light and sound, allowing a person to enter a visual experience filled with light and distinct vibrations, making one's body a resonating chamber for divine speech. If a person desires to become a spiritual channel or medium, Cinnazez can facilitate the rapid advancement of these paths.

Those who use Cinnazez Azeztulite with oracle tools like tarot cards and the I Ching may find that their insights become tangible vibrations, making their body a resonant chamber for divine speech. If a person desires to become a spiritual channel or medium, Cinnazez can facilitate rapid progress on these paths. Those who use Cinnazez for oracle work with tarot cards and the I Ching may find that their insights are enhanced, and their ability to notice meaningful correlations increases.

Spiritual gold

Wearing or carrying Cinnazez can trigger an increase in synchronistic events in a person's life and provide clear awareness of their significance. These stones often produce an alchemical transformation, shifting from a fragmented, self-driven state of consciousness (the state of lead) to a state dominated by the integrity and dynamic power of one's higher self (the state of gold), embodying the higher self as the realization of true spiritual gold.

When it comes to gold, Cinnazez is one of the most powerful stones for attracting financial prosperity and abundance on all levels. If a person has an altar related to abundance in their home or workplace, Cinnazez is highly recommended as a part of it. Using Czech Moldavite together with Cinnazez will enhance the power of such an altar. If we are trying to attract abundance, Cinnazez is also very suitable to wear or carry.

Cinnazez can also work harmoniously with all other types of Azeztulites. If Cinnazez undergoes the Azozeo treatment for super activation, it will become a more powerful version of itself, bringing faster self-transformation and spiritual awakening.

[Note: Due to the presence of mercury sulfide in Cinnazez, it should not be used in elixirs unless the double-vessel method is employed, ensuring that the stone does not come into direct contact with the liquid of the elixir on the material plane. Please handle all minerals containing any toxic substances with caution.]

My Meditation Experience

When I first connected with Cinnazez Azeztulite, I similarly held it in my hand without any expectations, only with the simple intention of connecting with it. Soon, a pulsation began throbbing in my hand, then resonated in my head, third eye chakra, and heart chakra. At the same time, I felt a whole-body pulsation, and I intuitively felt that this stone activates energy throughout the entire body.

On the first night sleeping with it, I heard two words passing through my mind: one was quartz, and the other was cinnabar. In a half-awake state, I repeated them once before gradually remembering that Cinnazez Azeztulite is a combination of quartz and cinnabar.

A few days later during meditation, I tried to ask it about its characteristics. It made me feel that its service is a faster purification and loading of new frequencies, flowing, pure, like water. I also received words similar to Mercury, but because I had no knowledge in this area, I couldn't translate more. Later, when I saw Simmons mention that "Mercury" refers both to the mercury element in Cinnazez's cinnabar component and to the mythological being "Mercury" (known as Hermes to the Greeks), the father of alchemy, I began to understand a bit more.

During a meditation session, I also encountered a being whose face resembled that of an Indian deity, but his face was changing and instantly transformed into the face of the elephant god. This imagery was certainly meant to create a connection for me. My impression of the elephant god is one of abundance and prosperity. For a moment, I also felt that this stone brought me a very wealthy feeling. I remembered the previous time I saw the elephant god and the wealth god in meditation; it was when I was holding the Golden Azeztulite. So I think these two stones correspond to the frequency of abundance. Of course, abundance is a quality we inherently possess, but in this era of capitalism, the feeling of lack is a common issue. Fear of insufficiency, fear of loss, etc., have distorted our inherent qualities of abundance. These stones should help us release those collective limiting beliefs and gradually restore our inherent glory.

In addition, I once used cinnazez to help an aunt heal. cinnazez told me that it will penetrate deep into the cells and do some work for our sacred blueprint. It is also for your reference; when I connected with cinnazez several times, my inner vision There appears a space that looks like a starry sky. It feels very similar to the sparkling minerals on the surface of the ore. Maybe it is their inner space 🙂

Reference: The Alchemy of Stones
Translator: Lydia

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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