Questions and Issues That May Arise When Connecting with Azeztulite or Crystals

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

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Here are some common questions that many friends often write to ask about. In fact, this information is not only applicable to Azeztulite but also to other types of crystals with higher consciousness.

01.When holding Azeztulite (or certain crystals), I feel a bit dizzy and experience shortness of breath.

Some friends feel dizzy, chest tightness, or shortness of breath when holding Azeztulite. This is usually because the stone carries a frequency that is very different from our own and enters our energy field. This new energy is often purer and stronger than our own frequency, so our body and energy field are not used to it yet. They need to adjust their frequency and harmonize to find the best state that their body and mind can handle at that moment. Therefore, I remind everyone to take deep breaths, keep a steady pace, and slow down to feel it. If it feels too intense, you can shorten the connection time but increase the frequency of use, allowing the body to gradually adapt to and utilize this new frequency.

02.Can I sleep with Azeztulite (or certain crystals)?

There is no fixed pattern for exploring ways of cooperating with ores. You are changing all the time, and the effects you produce with ores will also change.

Everyone's sleep response to crystal ore will be different. Some people sleep very deeply, some sleep well, some people have many dreams or sometimes cannot sleep, and some even have nightmares. This depends on our situation at the time. It depends on the frequency. It is generally recommended that you observe and adjust at any time. Sometimes if my energy is particularly restless, I will temporarily move away for a day or two and sleep by myself. There is no certain crystal that can or cannot be slept with. Think about it. My status changes every day, so how can I be "absolute and certain"? Therefore, it has always been suggested that it is best for everyone to adjust according to their personal status at any time. We should always observe ourselves, observe our heart, emotions, mental state, etc., and then based on these, experiment with our crystals to find the most suitable way to get along. and cooperation methods .

Aside from the previously mentioned ways to adjust your cooperation with crystals, it is generally recommended not to sleep with high-frequency pulsating crystals, as some people might find the energy flow too intense. However, some people sleep very quickly and deeply with such high-frequency pulsating stones, like Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite, and even have some very special experiences. This really varies from person to person. You know your own feelings best, so experiment and find the way that suits you the most. There is no need to be concerned about following strict rules on how to use certain crystals. Remember, crystals are also independent beings with their own awareness, intelligence, and consciousness. Like a friend, they are also evolving. Experimenting and adjusting your interactions with them will make your cooperation interesting and more suitable for the moment. Trying out various possibilities, experimenting, and playing with them is what they prefer the most.

03.Why does sleeping with Azeztulite (or certain crystals) cause me to have nightmares?

As mentioned earlier, some people have nightmares when sleeping with crystals. I am personally a prime example of this (laughs). Whether it's a master crystal or Azeztulite, whenever I first encounter them and sleep with them, I experience a few days of intense nightmares. This happens because each new vibration that enters my energy field helps to adjust our resonance, shaking out the low frequencies and fears deeply buried within us. Without this kind of cleansing, we cannot see our true selves and cannot bravely face our life and soul goals.

If you have the opportunity to read some books about dreams or learn some related spiritual inheritance systems, you will find that dreams have many levels and bring us different services at the same time. Nightmares usually express hidden things that we do not discover in daily life. Dreams are usually presented with our own symbolic meanings, so it is most appropriate to answer them ourselves. Some ancient teaching systems actually provide some guidance on dreams to let you know how to use dreams to transform. Internally, create externally, but this is a very in-depth content and cannot be simply shared here for the time being. But don’t worry, it doesn’t matter even if you can’t answer the revelations brought by nightmares. Sometimes nightmares have already brought a certain degree of enlightenment first. After the energy is released and revealed, you can slowly observe and discover the rest in the external world of life. Everything that happens is the most suitable for the moment. If you believe this, you will not be obsessed with how to say goodbye to nightmares or explain nightmares. Dream, everything will develop naturally.

But I want to remind you that if you are uncomfortable with nightmares and cannot accept them, please follow your heart. If you feel that you want to take a break, remove the stone, and not sleep together, this is absolutely okay. Please follow your inner feelings. , respect yourself without insisting.

04.At first, I felt a strong connection with Azeztulite (or certain crystals), but why do I feel nothing now?

Some friends have asked whether their Azeztulite has "malfunctioned" because the initially strong connection seems to have gradually diminished. In fact, most people feel the strong connection at first, not only due to their affinity with Azeztulite but also because they need the frequency's service at that moment. Azeztulite's energy is very powerful and direct, transmitting almost unrefined energy through the stone to work directly on the material plane. Hence, the sensations are very intense. Usually, after cooperating with Azeztulite for a while (the same applies to other crystals with newer consciousness), your frequency will start to resonate with them. Therefore, with the same sensory abilities, you might feel that the vibrations are not as intense and dramatic as before because your frequency has adjusted to a level that suits you better and is in harmony with Azeztulite. So, rest assured, Azeztulite is still vibrating at its own frequency and has not lost its characteristics. Additionally, both you and the stones are constantly changing. Your various experiences and thoughts in life will also be reflected in your frequency. Therefore, after some time, you and the stones can continue to undergo another frequency adjustment. Hence, spend more time with them or take them out to connect whenever you feel the need. This will always be beneficial.

In the process of collecting all kinds of crystals, I mostly choose them through images. When I encounter something, the heart chakra is usually very intense, and sometimes I even want to cry. Usually this is a kind of fate, representing the present moment. You need to buy it. This purchase may include the ore that you need to own due to fate, or it may need to be transferred to someone else.

Similarly, this kind of strong vibration often slowly disappears after I receive the crystal. Several times I just want to move and pack, and after a while I unpack it and find that the resonance feeling reappears instantly, and later they are passed on to I got some information and told me that sometimes we meet for the first time, but it is not actually the first time. We have cooperated in many times and places, so it is like meeting old friends and feeling refreshed. It is a natural flow of emotions and at the same time a kind of Say hello, as the hello has passed, sometimes the cooperation does not have the original passion for a while, that is just because the existing frequencies of both of us have been tuned, just like when you have been with a friend for a long time, sometimes people may laugh and call you you They look like the faces of relatives or couples. That is because they have been together for a long time and the frequency energy fields resonate and blend. It is inevitable that there will be each other's atmosphere in it. Long-term cooperation with ore also has a similar state.

The sense of resonance when you first meet is not only due to the deep fate of oscillating together, but also usually because you need the help of this frequency at the moment, so some people will feel it especially when they first start using it, and the feeling will be better after the coordination. If you want to experiment, you can put them away without using them and continue to be busy in the colorful world. If you take them out and connect them after a while, you may have a bigger feeling or other different experiences like the one at the beginning.

If you have a large cabinet of crystals, you may find that you are particularly interested in different crystals at different times. They are like a group of quiet but reliable friends. When you have certain states that require the special services of certain crystals, , someone on the cabinet will actually keep broadcasting a certain frequency to make you pay attention to it, which means that you need some help from it at this time.

05.Why do I feel a strong resonance when watching videos of Azeztulite (or certain crystals)?

Some friends come here to choose Azeztulite and ask why they feel a particular connection with certain types or specific stones. They feel very strong vibrations in their chakras. This usually has several possibilities, as we mentioned in the previous paragraph. One reason is that you are currently very suitable to work with this stone, and your physical and mental system may need its assistance. Another reason is that you have a special affinity with this stone, and you might have known each other in different times and spaces. Regardless of the reason, it means you have a strong resonance with it now, and it can provide you with the most suitable service at this moment. Therefore, we recommend you take it home.

Basically, high-quality videos of stones can allow people to connect through the video. High-quality photos can also work, but videos are easier. Friends can use this method to feel and connect. You can carefully watch the stone in the video, every rotating angle, and the moments when the light flashes, which can allow you to enter their realm.

06.I feel a strong connection with Azeztulite. Why didn't I feel anything with the crystals I bought before?

When encountering stones, not every type gives such a strong energy sensation. Some stones are very gentle, and our senses may not be sharp enough to detect them. Additionally, stones, like people, have their own way of existence and their own mineral experiences. Although we are all inherently perfect, our experiences on Earth lead to different levels of refined energy. The same applies to stones; their energy strength varies. Azeztulite is the stone with the most powerful and direct energy we have encountered in our experience with stones. Many people, even those who are not into stones or have not particularly practiced meditation, can easily feel the energy of Azeztulite. If I were to compare Azeztulite to a person, I would say it is like an enlightened stone. The energy it carries is unlike anything I have ever experienced and is beyond words.

Many friends who brought back Azeztulite have shared with me that they originally felt nothing from stones, but since encountering Azeztulite, they have started to feel something from other stones as well. This is actually because their senses have become more acute. Azeztulite's main function is to help us transform and restore our inherent power and light.

Although Azeztulite comes in different types and corresponds to different chakras, I can feel that it works on the whole body when I actually use it. If there are specific areas where the sensation is particularly strong, it is usually because those areas need the stones to work more intensely.

07.Why does my body naturally sway when meditating?

A friend who bought an Azeztulite pendant also held previously purchased Azeztulite raw stones in their hands. They experienced some energy movements, with their body first rotating counterclockwise, centered around the heart, and then rotating clockwise. This is similar to when we were learning meditation in the early days. Sometimes, when the body and mind start to restore their healing abilities, they want to unblock the energy channels. They know how to adjust your body to unblock certain areas or restore balance. At this time, let them guide you, moving in the direction they lead, which will bring energy circulation and balance to the body. Whether performing ritual practices, reciting mantras, meditating, or practicing Qigong, various paths may lead to this result because it is a natural human ability. The powerful energy of Azeztulite helped this person activate their own power, allowing their inherent abilities to be utilized to a certain extent, helping their body and mind return to a balanced state.

08.Why did the special experience that happened before disappear later?

Many people, whether working with crystals, meditating, or engaging in certain studies, may have some special extrasensory experiences. Most people have the same thought: "I want to experience that feeling again." However, most special extrasensory experiences cannot be replicated because these experiences have already been integrated into you. The you now is different from the you before, so you may not be able to reproduce the same experience. A healthier way to face this is: believe that this experience has already expanded your energy and brought new understanding. The desire to experience it again will likely lead you to explore and discover more, potentially gaining more truths about yourself and even new special experiences. In short, each special experience is like a breadcrumb supporting you in completing the puzzle of your understanding of life and encouraging your natural desire to continue exploring.

09.Why did my emotions explode as soon as I put on Azeztulite (or crystals)?

When some people come into contact with Azeztulite or crystals with newer consciousness, their energy systems may begin to receive new frequencies. Of course, this happens with your own free will and the permission of your higher self. These new energies may start to serve you, operating for your highest good. If you have accumulated a lot of emotional energy that hasn't been allowed to flow, it may begin to surface. This is all for the purpose of cleansing and purification, allowing us to start seeing our true selves.

To know how emotions serve us and how we deal with them, please read this discussion:

Emotions: The Compass for Navigating Life | Hearing the Messages of Melancholy and Anxiety

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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