Essential Oil Remedies

We connect with the essence of essential oils and prepare formulas through the messages received during meditation. The combination and text introduction of each formula come from deep insights, hoping to bring purer results to healing.

At first, we just wanted to prepare essential oil formulas suitable for individual healing cases, so we reviewed a lot of knowledge and characteristics of essential oils. One day, I fainted as if I was about to be turned off automatically and needed to lie down. This feeling is very familiar to me. Very occasionally, when there is a message, I will have this reaction. It is difficult to describe that feeling. It is that you feel that you have to fall asleep immediately, but you are not really asleep. You seem to be in a dream, but your mind is very clear, so I In this state, half asleep and half awake, I watched many scenes pass by. I began to remember what I saw and what the message wanted to convey to me. Although in the end I only remembered a few key points, I knew that the message was huge. , but my ability can only extract some. After several similar experiences, I received four sets of formula combinations, but in fact I only put two sets in the end because I did not receive the entire latter two sets (I am very casual) , If you have it, you will have it, if you don’t have it, you won’t have it, don’t force it).

During this period, there was a very cute picture. I saw two names, one was Xijiandi, the other was Di Ruining, and 9ml. These all constituted the name and capacity of the final formula series. Of course, these two names are in Chinese. My partner and I both think the name is too tacky (hahaha, our human brains can’t accept it), so the only thing we can accept is to choose one of them and convert it into English as the brand name of our formula, so if you Ask me why there are so few formula combinations to choose from, or why it is 9ml, not an integer like 10ml/15ml. I can only tell you that we follow the flow and inspiration in life and do whatever comes, so we don’t want Implement it according to the recipes in the market. I don’t want to deliberately have many recipes or standard practices. Maybe the two groups are just right now, and it is true that the subsequent cases are all going through similar issues, including ourselves, so everything is fine. It’s a blessing, it all happens just right, and I share it here with you who see it, maybe you just need it too: )

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Inner Journey Formula

Customized formula

Essential Oil Remedies
-Quality Assurance Declaration-

The healing formulas are all prepared with high-quality Florihana organic essential oils imported from France.

- Essential oils have passed the five major organic certifications in the world, including the European Union, France, Japan and the United States -

World-renowned organic certification

EU official organic certification mark

French national organic certification

Japanese official organic agriculture certification

The official USDA organic certification authority

amethyst bottle
-Quality Assurance Declaration-

The amethyst bottles and caps used in the 9ml healing formula are all high-quality original imports from Europe.

About amethyst bottle

Protect stored essential oils, enhance shelf life and vitality

Picture from

The picture above shows the same handful of chives placed in glass bottles made of different materials. After being exposed to the sun for a period of time, the chives in the amethyst bottle on the far left still maintain good freshness.

Sunlight is considered one of the most important resources on Earth. All living things: plants, animals and humans need sunlight,However, sunlight can also cause degradation; if natural products (such as fruits, etc.) continue to be exposed to full sunlight after they have reached maturity, molecular decay will be accelerated, which means they will spoil faster. The glass of the amethyst bottle is specially treated to have light filtering properties. Its unique characteristics can filter out the more destructive light in the visible spectrum and allow the beneficial spectrum (part of UVA and infrared light waves) to enter, so that The design has been proven in experiments to keep stored natural products fresher for longer while promoting their vitality.

The special protective abilities of amethyst bottles can be traced back to ancient Egyptian culture. During that period, valuable essences (oils) and natural healing products were preserved in gold or violet glass vessels. In order to ensure that the vitality of the essential oils in the healing formula we prepared can last forever, Mu Space selected the most expensive but most protective amethyst bottle as the container. We hope that when you receive this jar of formula, you can You can carry it with you freely and use it at any time without worrying about its quality changes..

Want to get the healing formula?

The formulas we receive will be blended with essential oils that are organic and have the best quality and energy. You are welcome to check them out when you have time.