Golden Aura Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.
Golden Aura Azeztulite has not appeared in official books yet, but it is sold on the official website. We have searched through a lot of information, but we have not found any official introductions about it. It is likely that it was released during an exhibition or under certain circumstances in a particular year, with possibly some brief descriptions at that time. However, no related records have been left on the website or the internet. Therefore, the following is my personal experience and information.

Key Words:

# Golden Light # Protective Field # Start Your Own Light Energy # Journey to the Universe


All chakras, especially the heart and crown chakras

According to foreign sellers, Golden Aura Azeztulite comes from Vermont, USA. This is reasonable because I personally believe that this type of Azeztulite is a variation of White Azeztulite. White Azeztulite is found in North Carolina and Vermont in the United States. In appearance, it is essentially White Azeztulite with patches of golden and light gold to silver-white reflective material on its surface. These shiny reflective minerals are reportedly mica. From a physical perspective, if a mineral develops other substances within it, its physical properties will differ, and naturally, its energy properties will differ as well.

At the same time, this type of Ascestelite certificate uses the general version of the Ascestelite certificate, which is the certificate of the general white Ascestelite. The US official told me that there is no additional Golden Aura produced. The certificate card is introduced separately, so I think it is possible that in their identification, it can be classified together with the white Ascetri for the time being. Of course, another possibility is that they are lazy, haha, after all, although there is white in this category Part of the Asestralite, but the superposition of mica minerals gives it different energy characteristics, which is still enough to be derived into a new type, just like the Rose of Sand Asestrale and the Black Tourmaline Asestrale. It is the symbiosis of other minerals and white acestrile.

Instant golden light

When I first connected with Golden Aura Azeztulite, I held it in my hand and, before fully entering the state of connection, I instantly saw a huge golden halo. Because it was a powerful light, the outermost part scattered light like sunlight. This resonated with the image Azeztulite gave me when I first got to know it: a halo of light with rays on the outer edge that looked like little hands. This is also recorded in the book where Simmons saw the exact same image.

Seeing this image, I felt the golden light surrounding my energy field. I even felt that it activated my original energy field, allowing the golden light within my essence to radiate. I think the word "aura" is truly fitting here; it's hard to find such a precise term in Chinese.

Then, my consciousness began to condense into a single point, roughly located at the third eye. I entered a different state, one I had experienced a few times during previous meditation sessions. In this state, your awareness is very clear; you know you are sitting in a chair in the room, but sensory-wise, you feel like you are not really there. You seem not to be there, and it becomes difficult to feel your physical body. The boundaries of your physical body become blurred, and you feel infinitely large and capable of changing forms at will. I cannot describe what this state is, as none of my spiritual teachers have provided an explanation, but I know I am returning to the core, primordial energy of myself. This feeling is simply a "dot," but it also feels infinitely vast and boundless. In the material world, this seems contradictory, but beyond time and space, it is not contradictory at all; this feeling can exist simultaneously.

Golden Aura Azeztulite not only allows me to relive the experiences that occasionally occur during meditation and Zen practice, but I can also clearly feel that this golden aura field can act like a protective shield, providing us with solid protection. Later, when I tried to find more information about this type of Azeztulite, although I didn't find much, I did come across many other minerals with golden light. They all mentioned that the golden glow always provides a protective effect. In the past, during spiritual courses, some initial exercises involved establishing a protective field. The instructors would invite everyone to visualize a golden cloak or glow surrounding themselves. I think these have similar functions and reasons.

The effects on the chakras are similar to most types of Azeztulite. I feel its active energy primarily in the heart chakra and above the crown chakra, but at the same time, all other chakras can also feel varying degrees of vibration.

I feel that this type is very transcendent beyond the boundaries of time and space, very close to the quality of the universe's initial energy, but this is indeed an abstract concept that can only be experienced and thus cannot be described further. Although it is a pity that I couldn't find any information on the official website or in books, and the customer service lady in the USA knew nothing about it, I am still very grateful that during my connection with it, the Golden Aura Azeztulite actively provided me with many feelings and information. Initially, I didn't plan to sell it, partly because there was too little information, and partly because the Golden Aura Azeztulite sent by the American officials several times had very inconsistent gold and silver substances on its surface (I will explain this in the final section), but the Golden Aura Azeztulite selflessly and actively provided information, which made me decide to share this type.

Regarding the official mail

The Golden Aura Azeztulite sent by the American officials sometimes has a lot of golden, light gold, silver-white mica minerals on its surface, and sometimes very little. This is not a problem, as minerals naturally have their own growth conditions. I know some people are very particular about appearance, but after connecting with each stone, I can confirm that they all have the quality to activate this golden aura field. Of course, when there is less mica on the surface, the white Azeztulite qualities may be more apparent. After all, it is not a matter of being either Golden Aura Azeztulite or White Azeztulite. They simultaneously contain these qualities, and the primary quality interacts with the amount of surface minerals to create different levels of interaction, giving you different experiences. Each stone is unique.

另外,美國官方自己在分類時,有時候也會把表面具有稀少到不清晰的閃亮雲母礦質的阿賽分類為白色阿賽斯特萊,但有時候又分到金色光能場阿賽斯特萊,WHY ?! 沒有WHY,因為它們也是由員工或挖礦的在分的吧,我猜,哈哈,也沒有對錯,我也覺得都可以,但唯一我覺得麻煩的是,它們的價格不同,金色光能場阿賽斯特萊的中克數,價格平均是白色阿賽斯特萊的1.5倍,小克數約1.3倍,所以我們最後決定,依據雲母礦質的多寡來定價,依據多寡價格分布在1.1倍-1.5倍之間,雖然我拿到的貨大多是1.5倍的價格,但我會讓表面物質較少的金色光能場阿賽斯特萊以接近白色阿賽斯特萊的價格來販售,但千萬不要覺得接近白色阿賽斯特萊價格販售的閃亮礦質稀少的金色光能場阿賽斯特萊就不好,這只是配合人類喜好的算計,它們仍然是強大的振動著白阿賽與金色光能場。以上,是我目前想到較合理的定價方式,也不一定這樣是最好,但就盡量囉 🙂

References: None
Experience and written by: Lydia

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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