Lemurian Crystal – A gorgeous new development leading to comprehensive evolution

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Lemurian crystals come from a very ancient civilization and are a very ancient energy. They have always existed. They exist with very subtle energy in a field that we cannot very much feel. At this time, they are Prepare to be fully awakened to provide more direct service to this world.

The new power of ancient civilization

Lemurian crystals come from a very ancient civilization and are a very ancient energy. Of course, this is defined in linear time. They have always existed. They exist with a very subtle energy that we cannot very well feel. In the realm of Our agenda, a fuller recovery will be from this point on.

After getting the relevant information, I read some introductions about Lemurian crystals. In Robert Simmons' book, I found that he also said: "I believe these stones may hold the memory of some lost abilities and can teach those who have lost their abilities." Those who are willing to work with them remember and embody them.”

I have also seen some foreign information mention that the service of Lemurian crystals on the earth has been divided into three waves over the past few decades, gradually adjusting to different frequencies with the overall evolution.

At the same time, I also received a batch of Colombian Lemurian crystals. I originally thought that my service in this life would mainly be Ascetri, but I never expected the arrival of Lemurian crystals. The way they arrived was also very bizarre, but in the past Similar bizarre events have occurred in my experience, so it is not bizarre.

In short, they are currently the world's experts in transmitting light energy and information the fastest. The three-dimensional horizontal stripes growing on their cylinders not only record information at different levels, but can also quickly clarify each section. It is the only one that can push energy forward and can be used as a scepter to guide energy. Next, we will also talk about the so-called laser scepter or laser column to echo this transmission ability. The fully awakened Lemurian crystal is a type with a very high frequency at present. It can carry a huge and powerful energy and guide it into objects and spaces. It is the crystal with the highest carrying capacity at present.

When a person with a special mark encounters his Lemurian crystals, he can use their healing powers. In addition, it is recommended to keep the obtained Lemurian crystals upright. They can deliver the new frequencies that the world needs now. The earth's grid will also benefit the environment around you and yourself. Their goal is to serve the whole, but in this process, we ourselves will also benefit.

Crystal Characteristics of Lemurian Crystal

The main production areas are in Brazil and Colombia. For Colombian crystals, it seems that the market in Taiwan calls "Colombian Lemurian crystal" "Grey"? Lemuria refers to Lemuria, some transliterations are Lemuria, Lemuria, Lemuria, Lemuria, Lemuria, Lemuria, which is the most ancient evolution in the legend. civilization before Atlantis. (Subsequently, crystals produced in many areas are called Lemurian crystals, which need to be distinguished based on their energy.)

The main characteristic of Lemurian crystal is that its ore body prism surface will have very obvious stepped horizontal lines (more commonly known as Akashic lines on the market). The three-dimensional effect will exceed that of ordinary white crystals with growth horizontal lines. At the same time, some have The special growth form was first produced in Brazil and is an early Lemurian crystal. The ones produced in Colombia are the brightest. In addition to having a very bright surface, most also have a very clear interior, with extremely high Known for quality.

The columnar shape of some Lemurian crystals is similar to that of ordinary hexagonal prism crystals, while some develop special shapes. This special growth mode means that six prism faces are formed by alternating growth of three wide faces and three narrow faces. It is commonly known as Muzo Habit (in 1963, Gansser discovered this growth pattern in the alpine fracture crystals in the nearby Cretaceous shale in the mining area of Muzo Village, Colombia, and named it this way. This mining area is also famous for its emeralds. (famous for gemstones, and similar types are found in Brazil and other regions). Due to the alternating growth of three narrow and three wide, the crystal tip will become very small, so it can become a seemingly slender triangular prism, like a right. Staff, commonly known asLemurian Seed Crystal, usually obvious stepped horizontal lines will grow on three sides, but not all Lemurian crystals have similar shapes. This type also appears in other types of crystal mines; in addition, in Katrina's The book calls this laser scepter crystal, and it is also a master crystal.

Laser Scepter-Lemurian Seed Crystal

The laser scepter is the laser pillar that is often talked about in the market. Katrina’s book mentions that the laser scepter crystal comes from the Lemurian civilization and is mainly produced in South America, so although these types are not mentioned in the book The proper name, but according to the description of the laser scepter in her book, it is actually the type similar to the Muzo Habit found in Colombian or Brazilian Lemurian crystals. (It is said that when the Lemurian seed crystal was unearthed in Brazil, someone showed it to Katrina to experience. She wrote and praised this crystal in a certain issue of the magazine, and the price began to rise.)

Of course, not all Lemurian crystals are absolutely Muzo in appearance. After all, each crystal is unique, and sometimes there are some changes. For example, among the three narrow and three wide, one wide or narrow face may not be so extreme. , but it will still shrink into a smaller tip at the tip, and still have the ability to shoot the laser scepter. As Katrina mentioned: the edges and corners of the laser scepter are not straight lines. Its biggest feature is that the crystal ridges are damaged and bent. , usually only small edges are formed at the crystal plane, and then gradually expand to the bottom, resulting in a unique curve shape.

To put it simply, it has a strange shape, but the key point is that the top of the column is relatively small and the base of the column is relatively large. From a distance, it looks like a rather slender and twisted triangular column. Case closed.

Finally, here is an excerpt from Katrina for reference:

"The appearance of laser scepters is very simple and not necessarily attractive. Some of them can even be said to be inconspicuous. Laser scepters are often flat and long, with a small flat surface at the end. Just like a finger, the end is flat. Like a fingernail, the crystal is long and narrow, but becomes thicker at the base. This small, conical shape allows energy to be directed and ejected. As mentioned earlier, the laser wand looks like a flat crystal. tabby), but its edges are not straight. Its biggest feature is that the crystal edges are damaged and curved. Usually only smaller edges are formed at the crystal plane, and then gradually expand to the bottom, resulting in a unique curve shape. Maintain an uninterrupted energy frequency.

The edges of the laser scepter are bent halfway and are not straightened until the flat end. This allows energy to flow through the crystal very quickly, just like a mountain stream rushing through a jagged gap, and then when the energy is directed to a small The tip will shoot out like a laser light. The dual power of this energy movement allows the laser scepter to achieve effects that other crystals cannot. "

The characteristics and functions of the laser scepter will be introduced in detail in the official website. As for the Lemurian crystal, could it be a laser scepter or laser column if it grows into a similar shape? Yes, but the transmission ability is very different, so whether it is OK or not is actually a matter of degree. There is no right or wrong, it is up to you whether you can accept it or not.

Can the Lemurian crystal that doesn't look like a Muzo Habit be used as a laser scepter? Yes, they told me that this is their specialized job, so even if they don't grow into a slender triangular prism shape, their conduction ability is still top-notch. This is different from Katrina’s identification. You can refer to the above information and decide how you feel.

So among the Lemurian crystals, there are actually various columnar crystals with master geometric faces, and there are also master laser scepter laser column crystals that grow into the Muzo state. But to me, those are just one of the characteristics. They are truly His identity is the Lemurian Crystal.

Supplement: Later, crystals with similar horizontal stripes or Muzo state produced in other parts of the world were called Lemurian crystals, but this requires some identification; among the currently identifiable Lemurian crystals, they are the most bright and transparent. The high degree of white crystal comes from Colombia, so Colombia's Lemurian crystal is world-famous for this. Some people think that it is the brightest among all types of white crystal. Therefore, from a human pricing perspective, this quality will have a higher price. ; Of course, among all types of crystals, there must be various types, so there are still clouds inside Gore, but even so, they still have high-gloss shiny skin and special horizontal lines, and there is also a certain sense of clarity inside. The market price will vary according to the completeness of the crystal, crystal form, high luminosity, translucency, and three-dimensionality of the horizontal stripes, etc., but overall, the price of Colombian Lemurian crystal is much higher than that of other white crystals. .

Embark on an evolutionary journey with Lemurian crystals

How to Meet the Lemurian Crystal

Whether it is Lemurian crystal or other crystal minerals, we must cultivate and put aside the concepts of "beauty, transparency, crystal integrity, etc." defined by humans, so that we can truly feel the energy they truly convey. Rather than being filtered by our thinking and belief systems, we can more accurately and efficiently meet old friends who are truly destined for you and can support you. There are many very masters and elder-level crystals that are now incomplete or incomplete in appearance. Among the appearances that do not conform to the world's vision, this is a protection mechanism for them, allowing those who only focus on appearance and collection value to bypass them, so that they have a better chance of meeting the people they really want to serve. Of course, this also has a price. Considering the level of consideration, the price of high-quality crystals with collectible value is usually very high, so master-level crystals will be incarnated in a suitable appearance according to the capabilities of their service recipients, in a way that meets the payment requirements of the service recipients.

This is not to say that you can’t choose high-quality and high-priced crystals, no, but you have to put all this aside and feel it with your heart. Your exclusive crystals will appear one after another, and I believe they will all be affordable to you. price appears. So when you choose Lemurian crystal, this is especially true. First remove the concept of transparency, beauty and ugliness in your beliefs, and then declare with focused intention that you want to meet your Lemurian crystal. I believe everyone does. It has its own exclusive Lemurian crystal. When it is completely open and open, it will be easier for you to resonate and find your Lemurian crystal. You will easily feel "Yes, this is it, this Lemurian crystal." The Leah Crystal is mine!"

Partnering with Lemurian Crystal

When receiving Lemurian crystals, they recommend that you hold them in front of your heart for the first time, imagine that they are in the center of your heart, and express your appreciation and gratitude to him (of course, if you cannot feel this way) , please cultivate it sincerely, for example, look at its beautiful crystals, special textures, etc., so that you can naturally feel admiration and liking), then feel its energy pulse, and let your breathing follow the pulse. Frequency, slowly settle down, don't worry about whether you did it right, or whether you have any magical experience, just relax and let go of all concepts, believe that it is coordinating with you, this is enough, some people may get some Experience or information, whether present or not, is the most exquisite arrangement at the moment. Please let everything be like this.

As mentioned before, they are currently the world's experts in transmitting light energy and information the fastest. The three-dimensional horizontal lines growing on their cylinders not only record different levels of information, but can also quickly clarify each section. To push energy forward, it is the only one that can really be used as a scepter to guide energy; many people will use a scepter crystal to establish a connection between crystals when building a crystal grid (crystal array). If you do not use it, Thoughts and fingers will do, but if you have a Lemurian crystal, it will be the best at the job. The fully awakened Lemurian crystal is a type with a very high frequency at present. It can carry a huge and powerful energy and guide it into objects and spaces. It is the crystal with the highest carrying capacity at present.

Some people have special imprints, which are energy signatures. When such a person encounters his Lemurian crystals, he can use their healing powers. As for how to use them, you should educate yourself on how to use them. Explore together with sub-crystals; in addition, when the Lemurian crystals are not used normally, they recommend putting the Lemurian crystals upright. They can transmit the new frequencies needed by the world now to the earth grid, and will also benefit. The environment around you and yourself, their goals are not only with you personally, but the collective goal is to serve the whole, and in this process, we ourselves will also benefit.

Robert Simmons experience

The following excerpt is from The Books of Stones
Translator: Lydia

When I first held a pair of Lemurian crystals, I experienced a distinct flow of pleasurable energy, primarily in the head, and they were not localized to the third eye or crown chakra; rather, they emanated Emitting cool, clear energy that flows within the skull to which the crystal points.

My instinct is to allow myself to touch various parts of my skull, especially my forehead and temples, moving the crystal so that the tip of the crystal touches the skin lightly. This created a deep, contemplative mood in which I began to feel the qualities of the stone "pulling me forward," bringing into consciousness what I felt was dormant in my brain.

The experience gives a profound sense of peace and joy in the brain, and the inner message from the stones is that their purpose for us involves expanding our brain function and awareness, and showing us that increased awareness equals increased happiness. , that is, when more cells are illuminated or "turned on," the brain and self feel better.

"Open" means filled with light, and these crystals literally precipitate a delightful experience of inner light, blending into the waves of peace and inner silence that the stone generates.

As we experience the tranquility/light/peace of our skulls slowly filling more and more with these crystals, we may feel the urge to place one of them at the "Mouth of God" chakra point in the back of our skull, which is the spine of the top. This allows the energy flows to manifest most powerfully, and they appear to radiate in a web of light, like energy flow paths or subtle circuits that connect all parts of the brain.

When this happens, there is often a burst of joy, at which point adding another crystal to the Ajna Chakra can create a clear and powerful flow of energy between the two stones.

This energy circuit begins to weave new consciousness into one's brain. When one uses Lemurian crystals, one may experience inner visions. Among the inner visions I received were scenes from past civilizations. Impression, I think it was the Lemurian civilization.

The people in the scene I saw were very powerful and energetic. Unlike the gentle, dreamy Lemurians I had imagined before, I seemed to be told that the beings revealed through these crystals came from ancient Lemuria. Asia's "Capital Island", they are the elite of their kind.

They seemed to be using crystals like the one I was holding as aids to help focus awareness for healing and clairvoyance, etc., and for other activities I couldn't understand.

I believe these stones may hold memories of some lost abilities and can teach those who are willing to work with them to remember and embody them.

Lemurian crystals can deeply soothe and calm one's consciousness, even as they awaken the inner light. They can help people enter a meditative state quickly and deeply, release stress, and open their hearts to inner guidance and inspiration.

Additionally, in the sense that they stimulate the liquid crystal matrix body, they can help people become more coherent, and increased coherence of liquid crystals in the body appears to enhance a person's various abilities to expand consciousness.

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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