Using a Crystal Mindset
If a person has not yet reached the sensitivity level to feel the healing energy of the crystal, the effects of the crystal energy will still be realized and the subconscious mind will respond. Crystals can, in very subtle ways, suggest perfect possibilities to the subconscious mind simply by being placed in an environment.
We constantly emphasize that all prompts in your life are messages brought to you by a larger aspect of yourself. It is never the aliens/spirits/messengers themselves, and certainly not the crystals. They are all your consent. It's just the medium used. If you want to know what this means, you can google Bashar's "conscious permission".
By using crystals with this understanding, you will not lose your power. When you allow the crystal to serve you, the crystal itself has the characteristics of reflecting light and amplifying frequencies. This is exactly a quality that can serve you. It can amplify the message that your larger self brings to you, and you can Think of it like turning up the volume and expanding the line more smoothly, so you have a better chance of getting the guidance and tips you need.
Using crystals in meditation
Use crystals with relaxation and trust, and trust yourself no matter what you receive.
Sometimes I prefer to use the crystal while lying down, because sometimes my body becomes slightly stiff when sitting and unable to completely relax. When lying down, the crystal can be placed in various parts and directions of the body, without having to hold it with my hands all the time. For someone like me who longs for simplicity and ease, this is the method I use most.
When lying down, you can place a single-pointed white crystal above your head, with the tip facing the top of your head. This allows the light to pass through the crystal and amplify into your crown chakra, making your awareness more open. Of course, I I believe that he also sends a lot of light energy into your body.
Of course, you can also place crystals on other chakras at the same time. See how easy it is while lying down!
Here we will briefly share the simplest meditation method that can be used with the above crystals. Later, we will introduce the different characteristics of different crystals on the pulse theory in other chapters.
PS. Once I put a huge single-pointed master crystal on my head before going to bed. I found that I couldn't sleep at all. Maybe a certain frequency was too powerful. I later had to put it back on the windowsill and chose a smaller one. of crystals to accompany me to sleep.
Crystal stylization
In order to enhance the effect of meditation, clear quartz can be programmed with input messages by projecting thoughts and held in meditation. For example, if you are experiencing anxiety about an interview or test, hold a piece of clear quartz at the center of your third eye, tip up, and visualize yourself feeling calm, safe, confident, and spontaneously adapting to the situation. . Project this thought form into the crystal, then sit quietly and reaffirm to yourself in your consciousness the reality you have created. The crystal can then be carried, held, gazed at, or visualized with your mind during the event you are preparing to deal with. The crystal saves the entered thought program and sends the imagined image back to you, acting like an assistant or friend.
If you want to seek the answer to a specific question, after making a prayer of asking the question, place a clear double-pointed quartz crystal (the two bottoms naturally form a point) in the center of the third eye, and observe what appears in your consciousness. The answer in the eyes.
If you need to send loving thoughts or prayers to someone else, place it at the heart chakra, point outward from the heart chakra, visualize the desired result, and project the image through the crystal onto the person you are praying for. He can receive images. If the person is very sensitive, he/she will feel the vibrational frequency of your transmission.
In this way, you can build a telepathic network. If the person is not aware of the healing vibrational frequencies you are sending, results can still be achieved, and the results can be exploited by the subconscious mind. If you wish to use the same crystal to channel different thoughts, it is best to purify the crystal after each projection.