Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.
Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite is a salmon-colored variety of Azeztulite discovered in the Satya Loka region of South India, the same area where Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite is found.

Key Words:

# Enlightenment # Enhancement # Conflict-free behavior # Accelerated evolution # Light body awakening


Solar Plexus, Third Eye Chakra

The energy flow of enlightenment

Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite powerfully stimulates the third eye chakra. Its current penetrates deeply into the brain, bringing intense and pleasurable sensations, and it feels like it is "pulling" our consciousness—even our etheric body—upwards!

The power of Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite is the power of evolutionary transformation. It is programmed to awaken humanity and the Earth to higher levels of spiritual awakening. Its awakening energy carries extraordinary power.

At the same time, they also carry the energy flow of enlightenment (the word enlightenment literally means: "full of light"). They have a strong passion - almost a rush - to help a person wake up and assume their own spiritual power; they seem to have a will that is focused on speedily accelerating our spiritual awakening. It's so exciting to be around them!

Embracing the Divine Will

Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite also stimulates our own willpower, helping a person align their intentions with divine will. It enhances a person's ability to focus all their energy on serving that intention. In practical terms, this means people can fully dedicate themselves to their spiritual goals, doing what their will desires without doubt or distraction; these stones bring clarity and enhance our sense of purpose while awakening the mind to perceive and embrace one's divine path.

This extraordinary ability to channel one's entire being into a single act of will, sometimes called "conflict-free action," sounds simple, but is actually quite rare. We are programmed almost from birth. We question ourselves mostly because the people who raised us almost constantly “corrected” us and used their will to override our own.

This means that almost everyone has a fragmented third chakra (solar plexus), which is why we rarely live up to our potential. When a person is triggered into a state of non-conflict behavior through the synergy of certain situations, they can achieve amazing—even "superhuman"—feats (a classic example is a mother lifting a car off her child because every muscle fiber knows she must). One of the blessings of Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite is that it brings beneficial energy flow into the third chakra (solar plexus), healing old wounds, and gives us the gift of the potential to enter a state of non-conflict, which is the most natural way of being for us.

Awakening of the light body

Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite is a powerful light-body awakening stone. It helps us tune in and focus on the pure golden light, the highest reality of creative manifestation. From this vibration, one can obtain the power of transformation, regeneration, and rejuvenation. This was initially predicted by the Azez race, who mentioned that Azeztulite would dissolve cellular atrophy and aging. This process involves injecting golden light from the spiritual reality into the cells, stimulating them to emit their own golden light, continually expanding their energy field and possibly triggering special experiences.

The most natural allies of Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite are Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite and Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite. If one places Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite on the third eye and Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite on the heart chakra, these two stones can open and powerfully stimulate the channel between the heart and brain, allowing these energy centers to operate as a whole. If Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite is then placed on the crown chakra, one can experience the energy flow between the heart and brain, connecting to the awakened thousand-petaled lotus of the crown chakra, and further linking to the etheric chakras and the spiritual reality.

My Meditation Experience

When I first connected with Satyaloka Yellow, I held it in my hand without any expectations, only with the intention to connect with it. Besides the strong pulsation in my third eye, there was also a constant pulsation running between my heart and solar plexus. Compared to Himalayan Gold Azeztulite, I felt that Satyaloka Yellow had a gentler sensation, but it also clearly carried an energy pulsation similar to Satyaloka Clear. It is a powerful yet gentle energy. I can't quite find the right adjectives, but in summary, powerful and gentle are not contradictory.

Reference: The Alchemy of Stones
Translator: Lydia

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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