Crystals And Stones

Crystal minerals have their own consciousness and atomic structure. They just perceive the world in different ways.

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  • Azeztulite

Amazez Azeztulite

Amazez是阿賽斯特萊的一種,它是在一個非洲海岸 ...
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Pink Fire Azeztulite

粉色火焰阿賽斯特萊以棕紅色赤鐵礦形成的深色條紋為特 ...
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Sanda Rosa Azeztulite

沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊(Sanda Rosa Azez ...
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Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite

Satyaloka Yellow阿賽斯特萊是在南印 ...
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What should I understand before entering the crystal field for the first time?

這篇文章放在置頂,是希望跟來到這裡的朋友分享,我們 ...
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Black Tourmaline Azeztulite

黑碧璽阿賽斯特萊是白色阿賽斯特萊和黑碧璽的混合物, ...
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Golden Azeztulite

金色阿賽斯特萊是一群稜柱形結晶的阿賽斯特萊種類,在 ...
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Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite

Satyaloka Rose阿賽斯特萊,是在南印度 ...
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Red Fire Azeztulite

紅火阿賽斯特萊原產於紐西蘭,呈現深紅色,內含物中的 ...
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Want to get these crystals?

We have collected a lot of crystals that call us and share them in the healing store. You are welcome to take a look at them when you have time.