If we are our own creators, do we need tools?

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

Connect with inner self

After experiencing many different systems of learning in the early stages of life, we now yearn for a simple and pure journey within, instead of relying on systematic learning or tools. Our goal is to allow everyone to connect with their own inner guidance. , let yourself be your own mentor instead of relying on external teachers. External teachers (books/other people’s sharing/messages/courses, etc.) are information that can be referenced, but it is more important for us to communicate with ourselves internally. I connect.

This is the inner voice I received when I completed a ten-year journey. He made me understand that we all have wisdom and knowledge within us. Only when we are eager to feel and talk to it, will it Appearing quietly, his guidance is always more suitable for you than others, because others are not you and can only share their opinions and experiences with you. However, every soul is unique and non-repetitive, just like your fingerprints. Being unique, how can we completely rely on others to answer our own life questions.

The only person who can completely know your life path in this life is your larger self. Whether you want to call it your inner self/big self/higher self, I think it is just a noun. The point is that we do have a larger level of consciousness. , who has a higher vision and can share with us that level that we cannot see.

The role of tools

But even so, life needs a more pragmatic and objective balance. When I was completely willing to believe in my inner self, one day, many tools suddenly appeared in our lives in a grand way, including the crystals and Ases introduced on the site. Terai, as well as essential oil formulas, etc. These thinking-challenging experiences always occur when I am too attached to one aspect.

I struggled a little bit at first, because I think what I've really experienced in my spiritual journey is that if you believe in yourself, and you know that you are part of the entire creation, and that you are a being with complete power, then there is no need to rely on any tools. ?

Indeed, our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have the complete power to dominate our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone, but my The inner guidance tells me that these auxiliary tools can be allowed to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will before we know and trust ourselves. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

I think this applies to the courses we study, the masters we look up to, various tools, even the so-called invisible guides, etc., we are the ones who make everything work. Remember this, your power Only then will it appear completely in your life.

Photo Credit:Free-Photos

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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