Five Big Questions: Understanding How and Why We Came to Earth

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.
No matter what you want to explore, the information in this article is a large-scale perspective that will help you start your life journey here. I try to condense it and express it accurately, hoping to be helpful to everyone who sees it.


I was about thirty years old when I had an extreme desire to explore the meaning and purpose of my coming to this world. It was a seed that started when I was twenty-six years old. At first, I just wanted to know more about myself, but then This little bit of desire spreads out a deep desire. I want to know more and more, such as how the universe was formed, how everything works magically, and why sometimes the more scared things become, the more they happen. Happen, sometimes good luck that I think will happen happens immediately, why life sometimes repeats certain plots...etc., I have gone through the study of Tibetan Buddhism and the study of Western spiritual systems (including soul blueprints, super-sensory Opening, Akashic Record Reading, Flower of Life, Mayan Calendar, Kabbalah Inner Vision, Kabbalah Angel Healing, etc.), of course, this includes many details, various schools of thought, and reading of various related books , and also tried many fields of natural therapy. More gains come from practicing these learnings in life.

Today, we have really begun to integrate some experiences and information that is closer to reality. Of course, you can still say that this is my own opinion, yes, but our life is to follow the guidance of our own hearts to create and experience, and then We try to make a summary as macroscopically as possible from our limited point of view, and then share it to bring some inspiration and food to others on their life journey. So next, we will share the most condensed key points here to help you quickly see the journey we have gone through. , the most important information is summarized. These instructions are like maps and compasses during travel, which can help you see a more comprehensive vision and see more thoroughly, so that this journey of life can become free, follow your heart, and go towards yourself. , complete yourself.

PS. Among the many books I have read, my favorites are Datre, Conversations with God, Book of Seth, and Bashar. This is not because of who they are or their fame, but because of the rules and experiences I have implemented in my life. , all harmonize and resonate with what they mentioned, so below I will quote their descriptions to illustrate what I want to express.

First question:Where did we come from? Why are we here?

In most spiritual learning systems, it is recognized that we ourselves have a greater and more original origin of existence. In the Buddhist system, I think the statement of Buddha-nature Tathagatagarbha is very accurate. In Seth or dialogue with God ...or in other books, it is the so-called All That Is, Origin, Infinity, and some alternative sayings are the Central Sun, or God...etc., those descriptions are actually ourselves, but we are used to separation. With the concept of classification, we have given our original and complete selves other names, and even thought that it was another someone. No matter what kind of statement it is, words have its limitations and cannot fully express the complete us.

So what exactly are we? How did it come about? I quote Datre's explanation:

At the very beginning, the very beginning, there was only "I (the real you/what you are) YOU", you can call it: the undivided, undifferentiated you, and then the I decided to pass on being called It is an experiential activity to explore various differentiated selves. Therefore, this "self" selects different "things" to experience to increase its own dimensions. One of the dimensions you are experiencing is the physical layer. In the process of experiencing this "thing" called the material layer, I found that the material layer was too "huge", so in order to obtain a more focused experience, I put a smaller part of myself into a container. This container It's your body.

Based on all the information and my own life exploration and experience, this is the answer that I can currently agree is closest to the truth:We come to the material layer and the earth in order to experience ourselves and experience "what" we are, so we create the material world to obtain more delicate experiences to help ourselves continuously expand ourselves. This expansion has no limit. Because our natural energy itself has no limit.

If you think this statement about the materialization process is very vague, don’t worry. Next question, there are arguments related to quantum physics in the scientific community for your reference.

Second question:So how was the materialized world created?

Continuing what was said before, we create the material world to experience ourselves. How is the material world created?

You can say that the material world we see and experience every day is actually a projection of our collective consciousness, which also includes our own personal projection. Its essence is still energy.. We can see the sun and the moon together, and then there are forests, minerals, animals, etc. These are all defined and manifested by us collectively.

According to string theory and black hole theory, physicists tend to believe that our "consciousness exists in the energy world, and images live in the material world." These two worlds are synchronized through quantum entanglement at 10,000 times faster than the speed of light through wormholes. connect. Because consciousness is the energy world of the two-dimensional information code that exists in the black hole, and the material world is the projection of the energy world, so the truth of the universe is: "Consciousness creates the universe."

-Excerpt from Life Decoded

What about creation on a personal level?If you have read the old spiritual saying "You create your reality", you should be familiar with it. Whether it is Seth, Conversations with God or Bashar, there are many more spiritual messages, masters and bestsellers. Books all talk about this concept in the same way, but you may think that this is too metaphysical, not scientific at all, and has no details. Yes, I also worked hard sometimes because of the implementation process, so I went to more In order to avoid searching for detailed information and scientific exploration, it becomes just a kind of spiritual knowledge and slogans. I will quote below the argument from quantum physics mentioned by a well-known foreign doctor.

Quantum physicists have discovered that when an observer observes (or measures) the tiny particles that make up an atom, it affects the behavior of the particle. Quantum experiments show that in an invisible energy field, electrons exist in an infinite matrix full of possibilities or probabilities. Only when the observer's attention is focused on any position of any electron, this electron will appear. In other words, a particle cannot appear in reality (what we know as ordinary space-time) until we observe it. Quantum physics calls this phenomenon the "collapse of the wave function" or the "observer effect." We now understand that the moment an observer looks for an electron, it changes its vibration and assumes a certain fixed state. Based on this discovery, mind and matter can no longer be viewed as separate and unrelated parts; in essence, the two are related, because the subjective state of mind causes measurable changes in the objective physical world.

- Joe. Dr. Dispenza

To put it bluntly, when you have an intention in your consciousness, for example, if you want to see electrons at a certain location, the corresponding material phenomenon will be observed by you. Otherwise, it will still exist in the vast universe in a non-material state. middle.

Your thoughts and beliefs create the thoughts and beliefs in the etheric layer. As you believe in something more and more, the etheric layer (structural framework) becomes stronger and stronger until it attracts If you have enough material particles around you, then your belief will be realized; when you believe in something less and less, the etheric layer will begin to disintegrate until the material particle layer disappears.


After many years of exploration, I have an idea that all statements on the spiritual level have corresponding manifestations on the material side. It’s just whether science has observed it or not, and you don’t care. Fortunately, we are living in this era, and quantum physics has already When it has developed to the point where it can be verified, there are also many experiments abroad. The key to verifying it is whether you know that when we rarely get other information in the world, we will think that no one has ever proven it, so here, I bring these findings of my own to you who come to read.

If you are interested in the development of quantum physics, you can find relevant books, or learn about the double-slit experiment (material particles condense from energy fluctuations into ontological material particles only at the moment they are observed and detected. ), these can help you understand the principle of this creation.

Third question:If materialization is created this way, then what is the point?

Continuing the previous question, what do these experimental phenomena of quantum physics have to do with us?

In fact, our state of existence, our thoughts and emotions are all communicating with this quantum field. The quantum field does not respond to what we want, but reflects our state of existence, just like looking in a mirror, so the focus is on your existence State, that is, the beliefs, ideas, and definitions at all levels of your conscious and subconscious minds, these all shape your material experience. Just like the collapse of the quantum wave function mentioned earlier, when you observe with intention, the material will Appearance, quoted by Joe. Dr. Dispenza said that all potential experiences exist in the quantum field, which is like an ocean full of infinite possibilities. When you change your electromagnetic characteristics and realize that they match an existing electron field, you will enter a new world. timeline.

I know this is very chatty, put in plain language,When you have an intention (an idea and a belief) and an emotion or feeling at the same time, then when the concentration is enough, you will materialize the one that best suits your thoughts and feelings among the many possible versions of reality around you. script of feelings.

You know that every second of our life is like animation, composed of many frames (one painting after another), allowing our nervous system to feel continuity. Each second of our life is composed of these many realities, and you The vibrational frequency of what you think determines which realities you travel through.

Doesn't it matter to you to know this? When you are thinking about why life is so disordered, or why life is deviated from what you want in your heart, you must want to know more and get a solution. Based on this, you should understand this material creation principle. This is transformation. The foundation of life's problems.

Manifestation is our built-in capability. You do not need to learn how to manifest, it is fully automatic, what you are learning is how to manifest more consciously and become more aware of how you manifest so that you can manifest what you want. Prefer rather than manifest what you unconsciously believe.


One of the most frequently asked questions here is about abundance. Many people say that my intention is to be rich, but why am I not very wealthy? He thinks that this law of creation is an exception to him? Then you may be underestimating the power of the quantum field. What it resonates with is your complete existence. If you want to be rich, do all your thoughts support this intention? Is your subconscious and unconscious muttering to yourself? Do you feel like you don’t deserve it? Do you think money is a bit sinful and those with money are bad people? Do you feel like you are unlikely to have money? The possible thoughts above are all part of yourself. Whether consciously or subconsciously, they will interact with the quantum field. These will become various stumbling blocks that hinder abundance. I like to joke that the quantum field is the honest bean paste bag. You can't fool it.

This example is to tell you that the rules are simple, but the details are important. It is important to be honest with yourself. If you are more and more able to implement it in your life, observe and adjust your thinking, and discover which thinking and definitions are hindering you. You, then your life will change, and the expansion you want when you come here will slowly be achieved. When you become your true self, you will resonate with everything you really want and come to your material life.

Let us conclude again,To change your external world, you must look back at your state of existence, your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings. By adjusting these, you can recalibrate to the possible script you want.. If you want to control the external world directly, you will not only be very tired, but also find that you can control very little, because you are working against the law, and going against the flow will definitely be very difficult.

Planck, the father of quantum mechanics, concluded from his research on atoms: "There is no such thing as matter in the world. All matter comes from a force that makes atoms move and maintain a tight unity. We must identify this force." Behind it is consciousness, which is the basis of all matter."

Question 4:So, what is the best script for our lives?

In the previous three questions, if this information is established, then we can manifest various possible versions and plots, but which one is the one we really want to experience in our hearts?

When we do not understand the above-mentioned knowledge of creating manifestation, we are likely to often let the hidden beliefs in the unconscious create our daily scripts. But when you understand this logical principle, you should use your observation skills to start from every day. Dig into the truth about yourself in the situations that occur in your life and in your own state of mind. You may see that the beliefs that limit you continue to affect your life. You can begin to remove them from your life and begin to Pay attention to what your heart truly loves.

When most people are looking for the meaning of life or exploring their own life path, they should have asked this question: What on earth do I want to do on earth? In this process of exploration, we will actually leave various clues and prompts for ourselves. We have to pay attention to them, follow the guidance, and respond to them with actions.

Where your soul wants to go is actually where you really want to go. Those things that you are passionate about or like to do are all reminders, and anything that is not in harmony with the vibrational frequency of our true self will make you We have uncomfortable emotions. Emotions are indicators worth observing and feeling. In my experience, you must observe and feel them all the time. Every event that happens, what events you encounter, and what emotions you have. , how you interpret it, how you view it, these all show what your beliefs and definitions are, and the places where emotions arise may indicate that these thoughts are inconsistent with your true self-vibration frequency, which means you have to see , you have to change your thinking and re-understand yourself and your relationship with the external world.

Once again, what happens in front of you and affects you is all manifested by the resonance of your own frequency, that is, it is your creation. The answer cannot be found in others. Please ask yourself, what is happening to you? What does this feeling want to bring me to see? This also echoes what was mentioned earlier: What resonates with the quantum field is your complete existence.

From this observation process, if you are willing to face yourself honestly, you will explore your own direction while getting to know your true self better, and add to what is not yours, what society imposes on you, family education or school education. Recognize all your frameworks and beliefs, and then begin to adjust yourself so that you are no longer bound by these constraints. Only then can you be more free and unfettered to explore what your soul wants to experience in this life, and at the same time learn from these experiences. , expand yourself more, experience yourself deeply, and go to the place where your soul wants to go most, and where you want to go most.

Fifth question:The final details: "permission" and "trust"

If you remember, we mentioned that all possibilities exist in the quantum field, that is, all scripts are hidden in the quantum field in the form of energy. Only when your intentions and emotions are calibrated to it, it will become The material version of your experience, but the imaginary picture you expect, may not necessarily be shaped according to your expectations, but it will be brought to you in the version that best suits your intentions and emotions, so never ask for external events Let it happen as you ask and expect it to happen, but allow it to find the version that best serves your highest good among various possibilities.

A higher level of permission is to live according to your inner guidance. Start with things that make you feel happy and satisfied when executed. Whether it is a small thing or a big thing, live according to this feeling and guidance every day.

In this journey of exploration, your true guidance comes from your heart, and that guide is yourself! I’m talking about the vast version of yourself, that is, you vaguely feel that there is a clearer and wiser version of you within you. You can call it your true self or any other word you like. Please ask him about it. When your manifestation is stuck or a situation you don't like appears, and your brain can't understand it, please ask within. It will answer you synchronically. It may be a friend who suddenly appears with you. A word you said, or even a word you overheard while chatting on the road, or a piece of text you suddenly saw on FB, or a book you read casually, or a plot played on TV, or you You suddenly know without a doubt in your heart that these are the ways in which your greater self brings you messages. Discover it, get used to it, and then you will find that you are the master who can truly solve problems for yourself. You will begin to have sufficient trust in yourself and life.

We can learn knowledge from many masters and listen to other people's opinions for reference. This is no problem, but never forget that the one who can truly guide yourself completely is the huge you inside. It is never Buddha, not God, or The medium is not any teacher, it is you, your true self.

Photo Credit: WikiImages/geralt/Free-Photos

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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