Sanda Rosa Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is composed of quartz, white feldspar, spessartite and mica. It was discovered in North Carolina in 2008. The color is primarily opaque white, with flecks of reddish-pink garnet and sparkling silver-gray mica dots.

Key Words:

# The rooting and integration of light # Spiritualization of the body # The ability of multi-level perception # Quiet mind # Stimulation of inner vision # Purification of ether # High degree of tranquility and peace


all chakras

Simons's journey of discovery

The discovery of Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is one of my favorite memories because I experienced it firsthand. In 2008, I was traveling in North Carolina, hoping to find more resources related to White Azeztulite. I asked local friends to help me find possible locations, and while driving there, I received an inner vision. It seemed like the Azez were telling me that I would indeed find more Azeztulite, so my hopes were high.

As soon as I arrived at my friend's house, we went out to search, and there it was! The new Azeztulite was found in the first area we searched! But the new Azeztulite was different—it wasn't pure white, but was speckled with a touch of reddish-pink and silvery-gray glimmer. Its energy flow, while definitely Azeztulite, was different in that it was more grounding and somehow more comforting than the original white Azeztulite.

They entered through the third eye and moved up to the crown chakra, then moved down deeply into the heart chakra. Moments later, my whole body was filled with a soft tingling sensation, and I felt as if I was being caressed by many invisible hands. When I asked in my heart what to call this new discovery, I received the name Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, meaning "Rose of the Sands" (or "Heart of Quartz"), which seemed very fitting because the area where they were found was indeed sandy, and the energy flow of these stones certainly nourishes and expands the spiritual heart.

I was very happy to have found them, and the inner vision I received during my journey confirmed this—not only were there more White Azeztulites, but there was also an entirely new variety!

Gentle yet powerful energy flow

The energy flow of Sanda Rosa Azeztulite enters from above the head and enthusiastically moves down into all parts of the body, soothing our etheric body. Its interface with the body's energy membranes is smooth and nourishing. Its energy flow brings spiritual light into the body and mind, and being with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite helps one stay more grounded compared to other types.

Many people find the energy of White Azeztulite intense, but being with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is quite comfortable. The spessartine garnet in these stones carries its own vibration that perfectly harmonizes with the part of Azeztulite that is pure white. Spessartine garnet is a substance that is very friendly to the earth and our bodies. It resonates strongly with the first and second chakras. The grounding experience provided by Sanda Rosa Azeztulite comes from the spessartine garnet. It helps to spiritualize the densest aspects of a person's body, providing a vibrational stepping stone so that our energy bodies can find resonance with the energy flow of Azeztulite through the harmonic frequencies and mediation of garnet.

The energy flow of Sanda Rosa Azeztulite moves through the body at a relaxed pace. They are warm and resonate with our physical body, encouraging our body to vibrate at higher spiritual frequencies without losing touch with the earth. The mica component of Sanda Rosa Azeztulite seems to stimulate a reflective quality in consciousness, enhancing the inner witness—the inner observer who non-judgmentally observes everything passing through one's body, mind, and soul.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, allowing for very deep meditative awareness. It calms the emotional body and is beneficial for those who struggle to quiet the mind. The process of this stone is to bring divine light into the cells of the body.

See multiple realities

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is an excellent stone for entering the realm of dreams. It stimulates vivid inner visions in the mind during meditation and sleep, helping people remember their dreams. One of the potentials of working with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is the ability to "see" the spiritual world expressing itself through the events, symbols, and meanings that occur in our material earthly lives. This world is superimposed on the spiritual reality, like a mask that both hides and reveals the truth beneath, depending on the level at which one can see. Azez has said that through this stone, they can provide a tuning calibration for the third eye, allowing us to focus on any one or more levels of existence that express the reality of the spiritual world.

Meditating with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, focusing our attention on the delightful energy flow through the third eye, is the easiest way to open up to their tuning. We restore our potential ability to perceive multiple spiritual visions, which greatly helps awaken our wholeness—and what we can become far exceeds our wildest imagination!

Healing Cells and Emotions

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite can help clear and purify cells and organs, addressing contraction, dysfunction, and degeneration on the etheric level. It is one of the most useful stones in spiritual healing due to its operation on multiple levels. It can bring out the fragmented patterns of wholeness that lie dormant within us, potentially caused by fear or attacks from other entities or spirits.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite provides vibrational frequency support to soothe digestive discomfort, especially if it is triggered by stress or anxiety. On the emotional level, its energy flow is calming, reassuring, friendly, and nourishing. It can help alleviate anxiety and bring about a state of focused and profound tranquility.

They can help eliminate negative emotional patterns associated with other times and places, and help us tune into our pure, happy, and beautiful future selves.

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, when used together with Rosophia, can create a harmonious and simple resonance. Together, they promote deep stress release and bring about powerful healing for the emotional and etheric bodies.

My Meditation Experience

When I first connected with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, I placed two small pieces in each hand, without any expectations, only with the intention to connect with them. Initially, I quickly felt their energy in my hands; it was a very active pulsation, which was surprising. I had expected a gentle energy, but it was actually very vibrant. Then, my third eye started pulsating as if being pulled, and its energy flowed through my entire body, accompanied by a sensation of heat.

I asked it, "What are your qualities?" The response I received was that they transform high-frequency energy into a denser state to help our physical bodies adapt. There were several times when I felt uncomfortable with too much high-frequency energy coming in, but as soon as I held Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, I felt soothed. It is like a harmonizer that can balance the essence energy of Azeztulite.

At the same time, it also responded to me that it brings the ability to ground, which is why we feel nourished. This might be related to the grounding connection with Mother Earth. Especially during meditation, I saw some imagery related to flowers, which gave me a feeling of blooming, gentleness, nourishment, and affection. These are perhaps the qualities that Sanda Rosa brings.

In addition, I put it next to my pillow for several nights. I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or not, and I had some very special dreams, in which I also had some reflections and insights. In addition to sleeping, I also had several meditation connections. After seeing images related to aliens, I was thinking that maybe this stone is really good at taking us through various realities. Whether we are awake or sleeping, we can use this opportunity to recreate and release Those thoughts or energies that no longer serve our highest good. 

Reference: The Alchemy of Stones
Translator: Lydia

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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