The word "I" appearing in the following translation refers to the author of the original text, Robert Simmons himself.
azozeo-mysterious code
Robert Simmons is a well-known author of crystal books, including "Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation", "The Book of Stones", "Stones of the New Consciousness", "The Alchemy of Stones", and others. The initial discovery of Azeztulite stones, the subsequent discoveries of various types, and the series of stories all started with him.
In August 2012, I received an inner vision while I was at my home in Vermont, where I have a labyrinth made of Azeztulite and Rosophia stones. As I sat and gazed at the labyrinth, I recalled the entire history of Azeztulite, which seemed like a miracle to me. The appearance of these stones was foretold by the angelic beings known as Azez; they had informed Naisha, my co-author of "The Book of Stones," about the upcoming arrival of Azeztulite. At that time, I considered her just an acquaintance. They told her that when the stones appeared, we were to name them Azeztulite.
Since then, for over twenty years, our company Heaven and Earth has been spreading and discovering more varieties of Azeztulite—all of which align with the plans and instructions we received from Azez many years ago. Recently, we learned that Azez intends for all quartz on Earth to eventually receive the vibrations of the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun—transforming all quartz into Azeztulite. My feeling is that the fulfillment of this prophetic vision will coincide with the global awakening of Earth as a planet of light and the mass enlightenment of humanity.
There were many affirmations of synchronicity along the way, and one of the most surprising and exciting things for me was the discovery, while doing research for my book "New Consciousness Stones," of the ancient The Book of Ieou, one of the apocryphal Gnostic gospels, purported to be a guide to the ascension process, dictated by Jesus to his disciples after his own ascension. Within the narrative, there is a passage describing the stages of the ascension. Part of it:
When you reach the fourth stage of immortality, Samaelo and Chochochoucha (a pair of barrier archons) will come to you and seal themselves with this seal: hence its name: Azozeo. Just say it once. Hold this code: 4555 in your hand. When you have finished sealing yourself with this seal and have spoken its name only once, speak also these defenses: "Withdraw, Samaelo and Chochochoucha, you Archons of the Fourth Age, for I summon Zozeza, Chozozazza, Zazezo" When you finish making these defensive declarations, the Archons of the Fourth Age will retreat to the left and you will continue upward.
I was and still am blown away by the above passage from this ancient book, a literal 2000 year old manual on ascension describing all the stages and beings involved and more importantly, for praying for protection The word for , as well as the protector's name, has similarities to the word Azez - the root of the name Azeztulite.
Of course, at the beginning of our Azeztulite adventure, we were told that the name Azez means "Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun." This is very similar to the goal of the ascension process described in the Book of Ieou, in which disciples are instructed on how to ascend to the realms of light (the Great Central Sun).
I am certain that the names of the protectors mentioned in the book to aid humanity in this ascension—Zozeza, Chozozazza, Zazezo—refer to the same protectors who initiated and guided the emergence of Azeztulite.
These names all sound similar to their collective name "Azez." Additionally, they are currently involved in the "ascension" of all humanity and Earth. I realize that when I hold a piece of Azeztulite in my hand, in a sense, I am touching these beings and the divine energy stream from the Great Central Sun. This evokes a sense of awe in me.
I am amazed to discover that these beings of light have been helping humanity and our world's evolution for at least 2000 years, and we can connect with them and our own great destiny through Azeztulite.
Official experiment of super launch
Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites The experiment begins!
Now, let's go back to August 2012. As I sat on the porch contemplating all this, I wondered if there was more to be done, something as powerful as Azeztulite. I felt there might be another level—another octave of energy—that could still be accessed by those who are ready. I could imagine all the quartz on Earth vibrating like Azeztulite, but what about Azeztulite itself? Is it fully awakened, or can it awaken even more?
I still clearly remember the moment the inner vision appeared to me. It was powerful... and very simple. As I gazed at the Azeztulite labyrinth, I suddenly saw—with my inner eye—a pyramid at its center, shining with extraordinary light. In that moment, I knew what to do. I would build a pyramid chamber in the center of the labyrinth and place Azeztulite inside it. The combined energy field of the pyramid and the Azeztulite labyrinth might stimulate the stones in the pyramid to reach a higher level of activation.
But there was more to be done. I felt a strong inner urge, as if someone was telling me, "Place two very large Phenacites in the energy field you are creating." (I have collected large Phenacite crystals, and I have two exceptionally large ones: a 2-pound African Phenacite and an 18-pound single-point Brazilian Phenacite, which I believe to be the largest in the world.) The 2-pound Phenacite was placed at the apex of the pyramid, while the 18-pound one was placed at the center of the pyramid's base.
Both will form a light circuit. The Azeztulite to be activated will be placed on a table between the two Phenacites. It was clear that the two very large Phenacites were crucial to this process. I suddenly understood "why" I felt the 18-pound Phenacite obtained in the previous February was so important.
This crystal is a prized piece in my collection, a stone with a very clear presence, radiating joy and brightness. Now, I am beginning to understand its purpose! Phenacite has a close relationship with Azeztulite; in fact, it was initially used by Azez. According to Naisha's original channeling, Azez used the vibrational frequency of Phenacite to activate the first batch of Azeztulites.

Two years ago, while constructing the Azeztulite labyrinth, I felt a strong inner force. Now, that intense feeling has gripped me once again. I erected a copper pipe pyramid at the center of the labyrinth, filling each side's pipes with Azeztulite and Rosophia. Then, I placed the Phenacites according to the previous inner guidance.
I brought a glass table to the center and placed the Azeztulites to be activated on it. Then, for the final touch—my inner guidance told me to use the ancient invocation of Azez—Azozeo. Following my inner voice, I printed out the words and attached them to the four sides of the table—one for each direction.
Then, with a ritualistic consciousness, I walked through the labyrinth carrying the Azeztulites to be processed, holding them in front of my heart, focusing on the intention: "To activate them to their fullest potential for the benefit of all." In the center of the pyramid, after placing the stones on the table, I recited the invocation and said "Azozeo" to the four directions, then stood silently facing the fifth direction. The ritual was complete, and now it was time to wait.
After walking out of the labyrinth, I went into the house and sat staring at the labyrinth, wondering if all these instructions were as real as they seemed. In the 30 years I've been working with crystal minerals, I've just allowed myself to tune into the focus the stones emit. Of any of the vibrations, I never tried to do anything to increase their energy or power, I really never thought such a thing was possible.
I wondered how long I should leave the stones on the table in the pyramid of the labyrinth? An inner voice said, "A cycle of one day and one night." Twenty-four hours later, I went back to the labyrinth to retrieve the Azeztulites.
Activate the transcendent miracle of amplification
When I brought the Azozeo-activated stones into the house, I sat down to check if anything had happened to one of them. Instantly, I held my breath—yes! There was a difference, a huge difference! The already powerful Azeztulite had more than doubled in strength, and the pulsation frequency had increased significantly! Within seconds, I felt the energy flow from my hands to my third eye, crown chakra, then through my body, and finally to my feet. A strong energy seemed to pass through me into the Earth.
The longer I held the stone, the stronger the flow of energy in my body became. I experienced visions of entering the spiral of light and traveling to the Central Sun. I felt the spiral flow of heavenly fire swirling into my body from above, entering Over the top of your head, it feels as if they spread out into a web, infusing every cell with divine light.
I suddenly realized that this is what the activation of the light body feels like. A wave of elation swept over my entire body, and with this wave, I recognized that the entire story of Azez and the awakening of the world includes new chapters. These chapters were written in that moment and will continue to unfold over the coming months and years.
I was a bit shocked by what had happened, and it seemed to me that I had made a great discovery and received a great gift, understanding that "it is possible to work with stones in a co-creative way, This was the first time this understanding came to me, and I was shocked and humbled by its power.
I realize more deeply than before that working with stone is good for us, but it is not only good for us, it is also for the spirits of the world and the beings on earth, for the fulfillment of our common destiny with them.
I was wondering what to do next and decided to see if other people could feel the amazing difference in these Azeztulites, I brought one to my wife Kathy and she said, "Yes, of course!"
The next person to experience Azozeo Azeztulite was our friend Leo McFee. He is a crystal teacher and a maker of gem essences.
He was as strongly affected as I was, and we rhapsodized about our excitement about this new development and our plans to bring these super-activated stones out and spread them across our network.
I began bringing more stones into the labyrinth for activation. At first, I only brought the original White Azeztulite, but now I started trying other types. I realized that all types of Azeztulite, as well as a few other crystals, can be enhanced through the Azozeo process.
This is a challenging process because we can only activate a small number of stones at a time. However, we have been continually working to activate various types of Azeztulite and other crystals that can accept activation, in all their different forms and shapes.
The spiritual message after super enlightenment
Next, I would like to share some of the information I have received in my inner vision regarding the characteristics of Azozeo Azeztulite:
Azozeo super activated Azeztulites act as powerful conduits, bringing the flood of the Heavenly Fire—the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun—now beginning to bathe the Earth. Although this sacred energy constantly pours over us (as it is the spiritual energy that ignites and sustains the universe), we are at the dawn of a new golden age, with a massive influx of Heavenly Fire rushing in like a rising tide. This energy is destined to elevate humanity and the Earth to a new level of existence. As we stand at the beginning of this new era, Azozeo Azeztulites serve as "grounding lines," allowing the initial wave of the divine energy stream to pass through them.
In order for this process to occur, human participation is necessary and we are urged to work with these stones and allow ourselves to become pillars of light, guiding the fire of heaven into the world through our own presence through which we can meditate with these stones , use them in energy grids and healings, wear them, or plant them in the earth through ritual to do this.
Regarding the "planting" ritual of this Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulite, I would like to mention that when I gave some Azozeo stones to my friend Robert Sardello (who wrote the introduction for two of my books), his intuition was that Azozeo Azeztulite "will become the way to turn all quartz on Earth into Azeztulite."
His feeling is that the higher level of activation present in these stones is necessary to create an "infectious energy stream," and unawakened quartz will begin to resonate with the energy stream of Azeztulite. This insight resonated with me as well, and I am committed to planting these stones in strategic locations around the world. We have already enlisted helpers to join us in this effort.
Azozeo super activated Azeztulites have many additional qualities that have been presented to me through my intuitive inner vision. I see that these stones not only bring subtle energy from the spiritual realm but also subtle matter. When one spends time tuning in to Azozeo Azeztulites, we feel the energy flow entering the body, not just as transient energy but also as a stream of subtle matter. This stream combines with the gross matter in every cell and molecule of the body in a way that spiritualizes and aligns them, "teaching" them to open themselves to the light. This can rapidly facilitate the development of the body-mind, presenting an intelligence within the entire liquid crystal matrix, which is an aspect of enlightenment.
We have three types of intelligence—the brain-based mental intelligence, the heart-based soul intelligence, and the universal intelligence based on all the cells of the body. We have been taught to believe that the brain's intelligence is everything, dominating during recorded historical periods of spiritual darkness, as we lost touch with our wholeness.
The intelligence of the soul has never completely disappeared, and it has been in the process of reawakening in some people over the past few decades; the heart is the seat of our divine imagination and where we can know truth and act with generosity and affirmation center of.
Although crystals (especially Azeztulite) indeed have the ability to enhance our brain intelligence and soul intelligence, their greatest benefit is directed toward the universal intelligence of the body. When it is fully activated, when the fire of Heaven or the Nameless Fire completely engulfs our world, we will begin to understand things with our bodies, without needing to learn them.
What we now call inspiration and intuition will become pure vision. We will see and know everything we want to understand simply by focusing on it and feeling the knowledge in our cells. This ability will be produced by the influx of subtle matter that combines with the dense matter of the body, transforming each cell into an antenna for receiving pure knowledge.
Azozeo Azeztulite promotes numerous enhancements of the mind, heart, and body. It can increase clairvoyance, heal and seal the etheric body, infuse cells with a large amount of life force, open the door to communication with angelic realms, inspire creativity, facilitate interdimensional travel, open the door to memories of past incarnations and resolve karmic issues, eliminate dysfunctional habits and patterns in the emotional body, organs, and bodily systems, liberate the mind from mental oppression, and show the divine light to the inner eye. It increases the flow of Qi through the meridians and strengthens the will to embody one's soul purpose. If two people hold hands while holding an Azozeo stone, they will experience such a profound empathy that it is almost telepathic.
These stones portend great hopes for humanity and the world.
Source: 「Azozeo® Super-Activated Azeztulites
The Beginning of a New Crystal Era」from Robert Simmons
Translator: Lydia