Black Tourmaline Azeztulite

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite is a mixture of white Azeztulite and black tourmaline. It was discovered in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Black Tourmaline Azeztulite rapidly and intensely stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, filling them with light energy. At the same time, another wave of energy starts from the root chakra, moves down to the feet, and then up through the chakra column, flowing through all the meridians. This second energy is not light itself but an intangible force that purifies everything it touches. Due to the interaction between these two intangible forces and the brilliant light in a person's body field, they bring such energy to the cellular level.

Key Words:

# Clearing negative patterns # Integration of spiritual light # Rapid spiritual growth # Rapid awakening


All chakras, especially Muladhara, third eye, crown chakra

Light of Agility

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite integrates so much light into the subtle body and the physical form of the body that it is as much as a person can possibly contain. Then, as this process continues, a person's field will become more accustomed to vibrating at this higher level, and everything will then calm down.

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite has the ability to play a crucial role in our evolutionary transformation. It helps to accelerate the progress of spiritual development. Its black tourmaline component sweeps through our being, clearing away negative attachments, disabling habitual patterns, predatory entities, fearful thoughts, and self-negating ideas. Its cleansing and purifying effects are so powerful and immediate that it clears the path, allowing the light provided by the white Azeztulite it contains to be integrated simultaneously.

The Nameless Light of the Central Sun, through Azeztulite, always provides us with an unlimited supply. However, we rarely fully open ourselves to receive its fullness. This is usually due to negative "fragments" attached to our subtle bodies and sometimes due to disabling patterns, causing the wounded soul to bleed, allowing the injured energy to flow into the physical body.

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite simultaneously eliminates negative influences with the overwhelming positive energy of the Nameless Light. The transformative impact it brings to a person's energy field is astonishingly swift! The subsequent effects of this internal transformation manifest like fireworks, revealing revelatory insights, joy, intuitive leaps, sudden expansions of consciousness, and an unprecedented sense of freedom.

At this peak period, people may experience "moksha," a spiritual liberation. In Hindu tradition, it is described as "a release from the capacity that has been bound until now; the removal of obstacles allowing life to be unrestricted; the liberation from fear and ignorance." I feel this is because we simultaneously clear out the internal negatives and influx spiritual light. I feel that when these things happen simultaneously, the light enters and anchors itself in the newly purified subtle body faster than any new negative pattern can enter. Therefore, as long as one continuously wears, carries, or stays close to Black Tourmaline Azeztulite, this dynamic cleansing and maintenance will be an ongoing process.

The Introduction and Programming of Light

In terms of spiritual healing, Black Tourmaline Azeztulite can clear self-negating thoughts and emotional patterns, replacing them with pure love and happiness. This can occur in a person's mental and emotional bodies. From a spiritual perspective, examining the patterns of damage and symptoms in our physical body, we can see that fear, pain, shame, past life patterns, or other negative experiences can traumatize the soul, remain in the psyche, and ultimately program the cells to manifest illness. These patterns can be stubbornly persistent, especially if they involve past life experiences.

When using Black Tourmaline (or other protective stones) alone, it does not immediately infuse light like Black Tourmaline Azeztulite, but it demonstrates superior cleansing abilities. When old habitual patterns return to the subtle body, negative patterns are quickly overcome and cleared. However, with Black Tourmaline Azeztulite, light is immediately introduced, and the subtle body of the cells is reprogrammed, preventing negative patterns from reestablishing themselves. This can trigger dramatic healing!

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite can enhance a person's influence in the outer world. When it eliminates negative energies and replaces them with pure white light, a person's vibrational field changes. They no longer project their imbalances into relationships (whether consciously or unconsciously). Instead, their presence influences other souls, renewing them. Simply by being present, they can have a healing impact.

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite can synergize with all other types of Azeztulite, and it has a special affinity with Sauralite Azeztulite. When a person embraces their transformation, they can enhance the sweet sense of love.

My Meditation Experience

When I first connected with Black Tourmaline Azeztulite, I held it in my hand without reading any information or having any expectations, only with the intention to connect. Initially, I felt a strong flow of heat in my hand that gradually expanded. Besides the noticeable pulsation in my third eye and crown chakras, my entire body started to warm up slightly, as if it was surrounded by a warm breeze.

So far, I have connected with about nine types of Azeztulite and found that they all strongly affect the third eye and crown chakras. Black Tourmaline Azeztulite is no exception. However, unlike most Azeztulites that primarily affect the upper chakras, it brings energy flow throughout the entire body. I can distinctly feel energy moving down to my feet and circulating back through my body, cycling through the main trunk area and both arms. When connecting with it, the message it conveyed to me made me feel that the Black Tourmaline component is responsible for transforming our negative energy, while the white Azeztulite component further anchors us into the essence of light.

So in the following days of connecting with it, I mostly set an intention. I asked it to help me clear all thoughts and energies in my mind-body system that no longer serve my highest good. I invited the central light to infuse and replace them. Although I cannot provide concrete evidence, during that week, coinciding with my menstrual cycle, the usual headache duration shortened, and the period of feeling dizzy was greatly reduced. I felt light, full of energy.

Reference: The Alchemy of Stones
Translator: Lydia

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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