[Top] How to connect with crystals: Let you break away from the frame of crystal functions and experience the infinite potential of crystals

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

Understand the essence of crystal minerals and let them walk with you

From a panpsychist perspective, stones do have consciousness and souls, and so do we. In such a worldview, it is not surprising that humans can feel the vibrations of stones, and that we can learn to face them as beings.
- Robert Simmons

What kind of existence do crystal minerals have in our world? First, let’s start with “who” they are.

Jacob Böhme (1575-1624), philosopher, writer and alchemical theorist, believed that God was not separated from his creation, and that life force was directly transmitted to stars, planets, plants, trees, Humans, animals, stones, minerals, and everything else projected through nature.

In the world, there are many materialistic views. They believe that matter does not have consciousness. If there is consciousness, only humans have it. However, in the world of alchemy, they do not think so. They regard matter (including plants, animals, stars, etc.) , and stones) as soul-endowed, aware, and spiritually active. In fact, in the world of quantum physicists, most of them agree that the material world is composed of consciousness. This is a statement that is close to the truth, rather than an abstract metaphysical philosophy.

Whatever you regard the crystal mineral as, it will respond to you

If you really regard the crystal ore as the same existence as you - with a conscious intelligence called a "soul", then you can resonate more deeply with the mineral as it is; but in most cases we have been Hidden and limited by crystal books and information on the Internet, we matched crystal ores with some functional descriptions. This was not a problem at first. It might have been someone's own experience at first, so this kind of information was shared. , but the classification knowledge of market trends and people's inertia has limited the characteristics of many crystals to these descriptions. This is a pity. It will make our thinking habits regard mineral crystals as only a Feng Shui object or a luck product. Wait, but in fact, crystal ore is not limited by the "physical body" than we are, and can more easily transcend the limitations of time and space, bringing us more possibilities and wisdom that we cannot see. They can give us guidance and assistance, and accompany us. Go where your soul wants to go, not just a cold stone or functional product.

So we need to start leaving behind our established understanding of crystals so that their truly open energy can enter the range of our perception, because a restrictive understanding will prevent us from resonating with their complete essence.

Meet your crystal ore

There are no coincidences, it's all clever arrangements

When you put aside too many established limiting ideas about crystals, you can go to the store or online store where you want to choose crystals with an open heart, and let these crystals resonate with you. When you meet the one you are destined for, Sometimes, it will convey a certain feeling to you, make you feel something, and then you will have the idea of purchasing it back. Please obey this feeling, this is its unique fate with you; don't forget that the ore "has "Spirit" is like a friend. They are not passive objects, but living existences. It's just that the way they operate is different from our physical bodies. When they recognize us, they will always send out a very clear frequency so that we can recognize them. Take it away, and then begin to implement the agreement to serve us.

In short, you forget the stones, but the stones have not forgotten you. They will meet you through time and space when you start to want to meet them.

Begin to correctly understand crystal minerals

Crystal Ore Sings Two Songs

As mentioned above, we may have some information about certain types of crystals that have certain functions. Indeed, crystal minerals have their own unique characteristics for a certain type. For example, an amethyst will have a purple color. The crystal family has exclusive characteristics, but at the same time, it also has its own unique characteristics. Just like people, everyone is unique, and each ore is also unique.

So I prefer Robert Simmons's description. The crystal ore sings two songs, one is the song of its kind, and the other is its own unique song. This is a good description, because the entire universe is made up of The energy composition is similar to the vibration frequency. Some people say that the universe is composed of octaves. Anyway, the vibration frequency brings a kind of audio frequency, but many frequencies are not within the discernible range of the naked eye and ears, and the frequency of crystal ore is also humming like this. They are waiting for us to focus on them and receive their resonance when we calm down.

So when you get the ore, you will find the unique characteristics of the individual ore, and even more parts. These ores may have cooperated with you in many times and spaces, and with their own characteristics, you may experience any Experience that has not been recorded in the data, you will find that your own ore is completely beyond what is said in the book.

How to connect with crystal ore and generate induction

How to have further contact with crystal ores? In fact, there is no absolute method, and there is no need to be restricted by standardized steps. You can cooperate with your own crystal ores based on your own inspiration and intuition, but we understand that there are many things that cannot be followed. People with inner intuition, especially when they are still exploring at the beginning, so there are some general and great connection methods to share with everyone. The following will provide two directions. One is the guidance I received from crystals. The other is the way Robert Simmos teaches. Of course, the more important premise is that you can accept the relevant information we mentioned earlier about re-understanding the nature of crystals. When you bring a new understanding of crystals and a broader understanding , no longer limit the crystal to just an "energy object", then it will be easier for you to connect with the crystal, and you will have a more profound and moving experience.

Guidance from the Crystal Mine

During my time playing with crystals, I discovered and was guided by some ways to connect with crystals. When I first came into contact with Master Crystals, I often played with Isis Crystals, Psychic Crystals, Communication Crystals and Tao crystals (Duchenne crystals), I didn’t do anything deliberately when I was playing with them. After putting down the crystals, their geometric shapes would often appear in my inner vision, such as the pentagon of Isis or the psychic communication crystal. The heptagon, at that moment I seemed to realize that this was a door for me to truly enter another realm of interaction with crystal resonance every time. I felt that perhaps they were called masters because they themselves produced insights into us in this time and space. Say, an easier portal to enter - those obvious geometric shapes.

Later, when I was experimenting with the properties of other crystals, I was resonated with a piece of information by an Ascetri crystal. It told me that all crystals have their own portals. As long as I can find it and carry the appropriate frequency, it will Being able to enter another realm, where the crystal is actually a living feeling, but before such a portal is discovered, the crystal is as quiet as a stone to many people, and in this time and space, you are indeed you, It is it, you are a person, it is a stone, there is no intersection.

So where are these portals usually located? Regarding the Master Crystal, what I have experienced so far is indeed in the aspect of its geometric shapes. What about other crystals? In their external growth lines and internal structure, as well as through the flashing refraction of light, it is possible to find the door that can fit into the crystal, so you can try to relax and stroke the growth lines on a certain cylinder of the crystal without expectation. , feel or see into its internal structure, turn it and feel the rich changes in the internal structure, or put the crystal under the light and feel the stimulation of the light entering your eyes through the flickering of light and shadow. These are all ways to get into their fields. You can try more and explore more possibilities. The above are just a few ways that we have personally experienced. Don’t be limited.

In addition, there is another linking method that I have not verified yet. Is it more suitable for certain people or specific crystals? I don’t have the answer yet, and the way to connect is to chant, because our entire universe, including us people and crystals, is actually just a composition of energy, a vibration frequency. Every existence has a vibration, and the vibration is natural Sounds will be produced accordingly, but most of them are not within the audible range of our naked ears.

This method of connection came from my partner. One day my partner received a guide, asking him to hold the crystal and chant audio to connect to the crystal. He was told that this was the chant of Atlantis. , so when he chants, we can immediately enter another realm, a certain energy field in Atlantis. After trying it a few times, we each have some recalled memories and some personal feelings. Harvest.

But what I want to remind you here is that whether you use crystals or other methods to connect with yourself in other time and space, don’t forget that you are incarnating in the current time and space this time. With this time and space, you can create the creation you want to achieve. With experience, other realms you are connected to only mean that this time and space may have many themes and abilities that are similar to that time and space. You can remember those learnings and connect those abilities, but in the end, do not forget that you are incarnated on this earth. Otherwise, under the learning and tools of this so-called spiritual circle, you will easily forget your original intention of truly embarking on the path of exploration. Distorted motives will always bring distorted results, so I would like to encourage everyone.

Practicing with Stones by Robert Simmons

Don't worry if nothing happens or feels other than the visualization you do according to these instructions, just allow yourself to breathe and see and feel the stone in your heart. Continue doing this for at least five minutes, when you are ready When you have a good stop, or when you feel that this stage is complete, you can gently open your eyes.

Why do links work? What do we gain?

Focus inward

The above steps are the method Robert Simmons uses when beginning any intuitive work with stones. Each time you sit down with a stone to perform this ritual, there are several things you do in addition to the clear instructions to follow.

First, it teaches you a simple way to calm distracting thoughts and direct your attention simultaneously outward to the stone and inward to your experience of the stone. This is important because this communication occurs in a subtle realm of reality, and getting there requires focused, sharp attention.

Second, this practice helps you learn to let your heart be the place where you do your spiritual work and experience. Our hearts have their own intelligence and have long been considered the seat of the soul. The heart is where wisdom is with us and where spiritual beings can most easily meet us. By contemplating your mind, you will become familiar with the feeling of being heart-centered and realize the unique wisdom of the mind.

Third, this practice can help a person enter inner silence, which is where the spiritual world exists. Most of us live in an ongoing inner dialogue every time we are awake. Through visualization and heart-centering, we can quiet these ongoing monologues, which in itself is one of the main goals of many meditation practices. one. (As we will see later, however, in alchemical meditation, silencing the inner chatter is only the first step in allowing us to connect and even converse with other beings.)

Fourth, this simple exercise, using breathing and imagination, can lead people to the threshold of profound spiritual experience. Once we successfully visualize the stone in our hearts, we may find that many things will happen naturally; All kinds of inner events can occur, from flowing energy flows, to conversational discussions, to inner journeys, and even physical events. Sometimes, when the heart feels the presence of a stone it really likes, it temporarily changes the rhythm of its heartbeat. (Simmons laughs and compares this to a dog wagging its tail.)

We can see that there is more to this simple practice than meets the eye, and that one can and probably should do this practice with every stone in one's collection, beginning to develop a relationship with the Being of each stone. (Simmons also likes to take a moment to repeat this ritual of invitation and greeting whenever he sits with a rock, even one he's already familiar with.)

That's why Simmons calls these steps exercises, and if we want them to work well, we have to practice! On the topic of practice, ritual, and repetition, Simmons notes that not only do these steps familiarize one with certain inner experiences, but they also help establish the reality of those events.

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls this establishing a morphogenetic field, a pattern that the world remembers and tends to repeat and amplify, which will also be discussed more in another chapter of Simmons' book.

Regarding doing this exercise with some or all of your stones, whatever you choose to do, Simmons strongly recommends that you keep a journal of your experience, maybe just a few words, or you might want to draw a picture of what you saw. sketch; remember that you are entering another world, one that overlaps with the everyday world we know, but one that is subtle, deep, loving and powerful. If you keep recording, that world will become more and more vivid to you.

New experiences bring new ways of being

After experiencing the above exercises and practices, most readers will have some feeling of contact with stone beings. Many people will feel the energy of stones in their bodies. Some people will experience an inner journey or have a conversation with stone beings. Dialogue, in Simmons' view, all these phenomena are proof that consciousness is the basic quality of the universe and the soul is everywhere.

If you spend some time and attention, treat everything in the world as if it has a soul, and spend your day this way, you may notice an interesting phenomenon: treating everything in the world as if it has a soul. Treat it as a soul and you will become closer to your own soul.

You will begin to feel its presence, and you will find a natural gentleness that becomes your new way of being. This is the way of compassion, the way of heart and soul.

Some might argue that our encounters with stones in meditation, or our experiences of feeling the energy of stones, do not prove that everything is animistic because they are not "objective," and even a part of your own mind might suggest this. This objection is that, after all, we enter meditation to meet the stone being, and we use our imagination to visualize this happening.

Simons's answer to such arguments is simple: it is correct to say that such experiences are not objective, but it is wrong to deny them on that account. Every conscious experience, both our own and our encounters with other conscious beings, from meditation to daily life, is also subjective.

There is no real way to objectively prove any of them, which is why some "objective" materialist philosophers ultimately and absurdly deny the existence of consciousness. But we're not trying to prove anything that conforms to scientific dogma, we're exploring an alchemical worldview—trying it out for size to see if it's a more satisfying perspective on living and experiencing the world.

Remember, spiritual alchemists do not pretend to be outside events and observe them objectively. Alchemists jump in and invest themselves in trying creative actions in the world; they accept it intuitively and passionately. Quantum physics now supports the principle that "the observer is part of the event and affects what is observed."

Panpsychism means “the omnipresent soul,” and making the most of this idea means investing yourself in the idea of your own soul, another name for which is our “immanence.” That's the only place where we can truly remember that everything around us is alive, that everything around us is alive, including our friends, the rocks.

The introduction to the characteristics of crystals on the site is based on personal experience. Crystals are infinite beings, far more than what we have written, and have unlimited potential (functions). Depending on your fate with it and the unique vibration produced by the cooperation between the two parties, you may experience A completely different experience, so when choosing, it is recommended to give priority to intuition , supplemented by function, because intuition comes from the inside, and the inner you knows best what you need at the moment; the destined ore will usually emit a frequency that resonates with you, allowing you to You receive it intuitively, so choose according to your true inner feelings.

PS. A reminder about using crystals

Our lives are created and experienced by ourselves. Even if we do not rely on crystals or any tools, we all have complete power to control our own lives. We can experience ourselves and move toward our soul goals through our own power alone. These auxiliary tools are Before we fully understand and trust ourselves, we can allow them to help you with the permission of your consciousness and the recognition of free will. Based on this understanding, you can use various tools healthily without forgetting that you are the one who makes everything effective, and you will not give your power to external tools or anyone else. With this understanding, you will keep observing while using tools, always return to yourself to reflect, and take full responsibility for your own life.

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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