If you don't want to let go, no one can take it away.

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.
Recently, I have seen some friends unable to get out of the cycle of thoughts and emotions. I remembered the conversation my inner guidance had with me many years ago.

A story

One year, I was full of emotions about a major experience in my life. This incident occurred when we took a group to India to take classes with saints. During this period, we experienced the life and death of our group partners, the indifference to others, and various... This kind of experience of bullying by authority led us to leave this spiritual organization after returning to Taiwan. We had fulfilled our duties in this organization and moved forward in almost all our work. Even our secular work was put second. But because We know that some things have become clear and are no longer suitable for us. Although we understand that everyone is doing the best he can do at the time, the emotion is always hidden in me. A year later, at that time There was a publication later on in the course. On the day when the publication was released, the things I had forgotten about were stirred up again, and my emotions came up instantly along with the memories.

I happened to be in a coffee shop at that time, so I talked about this publication with my two friends who were almost separated from each other forever. I found that I was still a little emotional. I originally wanted to say that it had been a year, but unexpectedly, the emotions seemed not as strong as I thought. light. Not long after, I went to the dressing room, and suddenly the inner guidance threw a sonorous word into my head: " Are you going to let us take these away? "

I opened my eyes and thought in surprise that I have been cooperating with my inner guides for so long. Shouldn't they understand that I am very committed to inner exploration and evolution, and am always declaring and asking for help to purify myself and let my soul be free? Logically speaking, they You should be cooperating with me to clean up and purify as usual, but you ask questions knowingly? ! Who wants to keep this garbage in their heart, nonsense and all, I rolled my eyes inwardly.

But they said back to me, " But we can't take away what you're holding on to. "

Suddenly, my consciousness seemed to be hit, what?! I entered into meditation, I held on tightly, but didn't I notice? Did I hold on tight? Impossible? Is there any?

Seeing that I didn't think it through, they continued, " If you decide to let us take these things away, you will have nothing to do with them from now on. "

My heart suddenly shook, what? It is no longer relevant, how could it be, how much time in my life have I devoted to accumulate those experiences, how many profound darkness and challenges of life have I experienced, how can it be irrelevant to me!

The thought at that moment also shocked me. It turned out that it was really something I had always wanted to be related to. It was me who held onto it tightly. Those memories, those pains, and those emotions seemed to be gone without them. The trace of existence was wiped out. It turns out that I didn’t really want to decouple from these.

I calmed down, truly faced this part of myself, and seriously thought about whether I could really accept that I would have nothing to do with it from now on, but I was also surprised. I didn’t expect that a certain part of myself didn’t want to let go. Now that I'm thinking about it, this conversation shocked me and made me see a part of myself that I didn't realize I had.

After thinking about it, I still regained my own true light. I said firmly, I decided, I don’t want it anymore, please take it away, really, thank you, thank you for your help and teaching.

Really let go

When we are truly willing to let go of the life events that affect us from the bottom of our hearts, and let those events seem to be just a script in a book and have nothing to do with us, then we can truly let go and be truly free.

We are often like this, always saying that we want to get rid of a certain situation or emotional state, but the real reason why we can't get rid of it is our own obsession that we are unwilling to let go. We may find many rational reasons for this obsession, making us seem helpless. Choice, you are forced to enter this game, but the reason why you really don't want to let go may be hidden somewhere without you seeing it, so we act out the plot that we want to get rid of but can't get rid of, but as long as we really see it from the heart, we can do it. By making the decision to let go, you can slowly escape from this state.

sentiment indicator
Emotions are actually the most authentic feedback that our inner self gives us. All frequencies that do not resonate with our true side will cause your emotions. Behind the emotions usually means that you have a definition of this event, and this definition may be what you have been since childhood. It is obtained from family or society, etc., but it does not really have to be like this, but because we frame ourselves into this definition and make a norm that does not conform to our own frequency, when an event occurs that does not conform to this definition, this Defining this box brings us many emotions. In the follow-up, we will share some healthier views on emotions, allowing us to see the messages it brings to us from emotions, instead of just avoiding or blocking emotions, or getting stuck in emotions. These are unhealthy ways of responding.

Photo Credit: Valeria Boltneva

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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