What is the purpose of meditation?

Each soul is unique, and therefore the ways we experience and refine our perspectives on this world are diverse. The content on this site is based on personal experiences—please do not take it as absolute truth. Our truths, expressed through language while we are still in the physical realm, have their limitations. Thus, constant reflection and verification are necessary. The purpose of the content is simply to share personal insights and perspectives, with the hope of inspiring and enlightening readers. May we all find our way back to our authentic selves.

What is meditation

There are many names to describe the inner work of meditation, such as meditation, meditation, meditation, meditation, vipassana, meditation... etc. Different religions also give different teachings to explain it, but for me, Their goals are the same, so in the following articles, for a more intuitive meaning, I will refer to them as "meditation".

Meditation provides a path that allows you to go deep within. When you want to meditate, you have brought an intention to express your desire to enter tranquility..

Its core purpose is to restore a deep connection with yourself, so think about it, what will happen when you deeply connect with yourself? You may see a hidden part that you usually don't discover. It may be a strong emotion or inner vision. No matter what it is, it is talking to you. In this state, you can Do anything (I’ll explain what anything is later), so try to dive deeper into yourself through meditation,Digging into yourself, this is a treasure place that can help you travel and move forward. This is the essence of meditation..

So any activity that brings about such qualities is meditation, like a dance, a swim,readOr painting, etc. Meditation is a state and should not be limited to just sitting cross-legged somewhere.,Therefore, some schools in the market do have static meditation and dynamic meditation or quiet meditation and moving meditation, but I believe that stillness and movement cannot completely cover"Meditation"Such activities, so going back to what was said earlier, as long as it isActivities that can bring about the above qualities are a kind of meditation. You can develop a meditation method that suits you. As long as this method can help you connect with your inner self and discover wisdom, then this is a meditation that is unique to you..

So to put it more simply, meditation is an entry into"Some kind ofstate"method, in which you can be more focused, relaxed, open, and insightful.

What happens during meditation

When we enter the state of meditation, we are like tuning ourselves to a different frequency. We will be connected to a different world than the outside world. My instructor told me that in a state of meditation, you can do anything. That really means Anything, such as healing, purification, creation or repairing relationships, etc., but before discussing this, I would like to share what I have been taught in different religions in the past as a reference.

In the early system of Tibetan Buddhism, most meditation practices were divided into practices with an object or practices without an object. For example, you can use vision as a practice and keep looking at a flower. Then be aware of the flower, and don't bother with the coming and going of other thoughts, just let it flow naturally, or use sound as a practice. You can listen to the sound of water and be aware of the sound.Don’t ask about the coming and going of thoughts. The other kind of practice is to practice without objects, which is to sit quietly and be aware of everything that happens, but don’t ask about it..

In fact, that kind of practice is really beautiful, but the path of my life does not seem to be suitable for this way. I have been very diligent in practicing all Buddhist rituals for ten years, spending a lot of time every day, One day, it was like the clock of my life was ringing. I suddenly had an idea and realized that this was not what I wanted in the end. This stage of experience could be over, so I mustered up the courage to bid farewell to the past and began the next stage of inner self. journey.

During this new journey, I began to experience a different way of meditation, which is a process of interacting with the inner being. In fact, no matter when we are awake or asleep, our inner being is constantly connecting and talking to us. It is just our The senses are used to facing the outside, so during meditation, we have the opportunity to turn inward and find that it is sending messages to us. So when it comes to this, the important point appears, it is sending messages to us, so what should we do? As far as the system of meditation is concerned, we let it flow through without responding. However, through my subsequent study and re-experience of meditation with different systems, I found that these messages bring important information that can be used directly in the state of meditation. Fields, through topics or recalibration, there are many guided meditations led by masters for this purpose. After meditation, you will be guided to enter the picture of visualization, and then perform some inner work through the theme of visualization. Because imagination is our very powerful primitive ability, the visualization in meditation can operate very directly on the energy level, and then cause changes or effects in the external world. The entire meditation process will drive our feelings. When a certain level Feelings arise and something changes.

How to do inner work


In fact, I can't find a better word to describe what happens during meditation."you”What is this character doing?, so let’s give an example directly:

You want an abundant life. You bring this quality directly from meditation. You can imagine golden light falling. In your intention, you know that you want abundance. In your mind, you also know that gold represents abundance to you. Then feel this rich golden light pouring down. What do you feel or see? Some people may feel an uncomfortable feeling, such as conflict or entanglement, while others may accept it happily. People who feel conflicted and entangled may have some label definitions of money that need to be removed from their belief system. For example, you think being rich is sinful, rich people can’t do bad things, etc. These are the so-called interactions. Your feelings are the messages sent to you from the inside. You can ask to remove these limiting beliefs and then start again. Accept that abundant energy. If it is still difficult, you can repeat this meditation more times..

So take this as an example, there are many meditation visualizations, you can use your creativity to guide yourself, it can really do anything, so don’t set limits for yourself.

Feeling is the most important thing

In meditation, whether the message is received directlyOr interact through imagination,Obtaining information, such as inspiration, seeing some pictures or some information flowing through, etc., no matter what form it is, the important thing is what feelings we gain in this state, because truly feeling from the heart will change our vibration frequency. , and our vibration frequency determines the development of our external world. This is the most essential part of meditation, and it is also what we said before that we can do anything. We can create, change, heal, and see. , without any restrictions.

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Picture of Lydia


Live as a fully conscious being.

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It is composed of two very grounded partners who have been exploring the inner journey for more than ten years. They do not like to use ethereal and abstract terms, because spirituality is something we have and operate every day, and we should not let it become out of reach. , so this website mostly shares observations and insights from our actual experience.

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